Friday, May 29, 2009

"The creation of a fledgling 'EU Home Office' ... EU laws on citizen' right to internet access." -

UK enquiry: Contaminated blood from US, Clinton scandal UK blood enquiry finds fault in US practices

British enquiry has come to the conclusion that contaminated blood supplies from United States companies contributed to a human tragedy.Blood supplies from the US infected nearly 5,000 British patients more than two decades ago.Some 2,000 patients who suffered from hemophilia, an incurable hereditary bleeding disorder, have already died, while others are now terminally ill due to the contaminated blood which was taken from prison populations and other at-risk communities in the US, before being sold to UK hospitals.

Eurojust supports wire-tapping of Skype conversations

EU's judicial cooperation agency Eurojust will take the lead in finding ways to help police and prosecutors across Europe to wiretap computer-to-computer phone conversations enabled by programs such as Skype

BOE Unanimously Asks For Authority to Create Money

BOE Unanimously Asks For Authority to Create Money Bank of England policy makers unanimously agreed to ask the government for authority to create money in an effort to kick start the economy, saying further interest rate cuts may hurt the profitability of banks

The Conflict in the Congo is a Resource War Waged by US and British Allies

ALBERT G. MACKEY mackeys_encyclopedia ISlS-URANEA TEMPLE This Body was formed in England of Hermetic students in 1887 to give instruction in the mediaeval occult sciences. The Rituals were written in English from old Rosicrucian Manuscripts supplemented by independent literary researches. Several other Temples emerged from this one, namely: Osiris, Wester-super-Mare; and Horus, Bradford, in England; Amen Ra, Edinburgh, Scotland, and Ahathoor, Paris, France. 1798 John Robison publishes a book entitled, “Proofs of a Conspiracy Against All the Religions and Governments of Europe Carried on in the Secret Meetings of Freemasons, Illuminati and Reading Societies.” In this book, Professor Robison of the University of Edinburgh, one of the leading intellects of his time, who in 1783 was elected general secretary of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, gives details of the whole Rothschild, “Illuminati,” plot. He advises how he had been a high degree mason in the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, and had been invited by Adam Weishaupt to Europe, where he was given a revised copy of Weishaupt’s conspiracy. However, although he pretended to go along with it, Professor Robison did not agree with it and therefore published his aforementioned book to expose it. The book included details of the Bavarian government’s investigation into the, “Illuminati,” and the French Revolution. That same year on July 19th, David Pappen, President of Harvard University, lectures the graduating class on the influence, “Illuminism,” is having on American politics and religion. At the age of twenty-one, Nathan Mayer Rothschild leaves Frankfurt for England, where with a large sum of money given to him by his father, he sets up a banking house in London