Wednesday, January 2, 2013

ZIONISTS ,CFR AND .. What Should U.S. Policy Be in Syria?Max Boot, et al. Council on Foreign Relations
Authors: Max Boot, (ZIONIST)Jeane J. Kirkpatrick Senior Fellow for National Security Studies, Council on Foreign Relations(ZIONIST)Brian Fishman, (ZIONIST)Counterterrorism Research Fellow, New America Foundation, Fellow with the Combating Terrorism Center, West Point Ed Husain, (ZIONIST)Senior Fellow for Middle Eastern Studies, Council on Foreign RelationsAndrew Tabler, (ZIONIST)Senior Fellow in the Program on Arab Politics, Washington Institute for Near East Policy Interviewer(s): Jonathan Masters, (ZIONIST)Online Editor/Writer 
[[[[[CFR's Max Boot says Washington needs "to get off the sidelines" and build a coalition of allies to enforce a Libya-style no-fly zone.]]]]] [[[[[The New American Foundation's Brian Fishman notes U.S. military intervention is unlikely to produce a stable Syrian government post-conflict, and recommends a patient approach of training and modestly arming rebels.]]]]][[[[[ CFR's Ed Husainsays Washington should avoid inserting itself directly in the twenty-one-month old conflict, a move that would jeopardize the credibility of the rebellion.]]]]]] The Washington's Institute's[[[[[[[Andrew Tabler says the United States should transition from its covert "light footprint" support for armed Syrian opposition to overt outreach to non-extremist groups in the Free Syrian Army, including the provision of arms.]]]]]]]]]
Max Boot, Jeane J. Kirkpatrick Senior Fellow for National Security Studies, Council on Foreign Relations
It is high time for the United States to get off the sidelines as allies such as Turkey 
and Israel, Britain and France, Saudi Arabia and Qatar 
have been urging it to do. As a first step, Washington should assemble a coalition to enforce a no-fly zone over Syria. The United States would have to take the lead in dismantling Syrian air defenses, but could then hand off the enforcement of the NFZ to allies, as was the case in Libya. (Even if the United States and its allies are not willing to send aircraft over Syria, a more limited NFZ could still be enforced by Patriot batteries in Jordan and Turkey.)
While all this military activity is going on, U.S. diplomats and intelligence officers should be working to buttress the provisional government that will take power after Assad's downfall. It is vitally important to start planning now for a post-Assad Syria if it is to avoid becoming another Somalia—or even another Libya.
[ed notes:click link for whole piece..just citing few short,all zionists and neocons,promoting regime change against bashar al assad..what else is new right?lol

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