Sunday, December 20, 2009

Copenhagen failure 'disappointing', 'shameful'

Lumumba Di-Aping, the chief negotiator of the G77 group of nations called the end product of the two-week conference  "the lowest level of ambition you can imagine. It's nothing short of climate change scepticism in action. The rich north had "asked Africa to sign a suicide pact, an incineration pact, in order to maintain the economic dominance of a few countries."

Bolivia's UN ambassador, Pablo Solon, was furious that the accord had been drafted without the participation of most of the world's countries: "This is completely unacceptable. How can it be that 25 to 30 nations cook up an agreement that excludes the majority of the 190 nations?" he asked.

"The leaders of rich countries have refused to lead. They have been captured by business interests at a time when people need leaders to put justice first.""The US appears to be more interested in saving face than saving the planet," said Friends of the Earth executive director Andy Atkins. "They are now using strong-arm tactics to bully the developing world into backing a plan that completely undermines the existing UN process."

"This summit has been a complete failure - the climate accord should be sent to the recycling bin," he added, referring to the Danish capital as "Brokenhagen."

CCTV? Think Twice (II)

The Socialist Party in power in Paris (France) has just approved the installation of 1,302 CCTV cameras in the streets of la Ville-Lumière, where so far only 293 cameras have been installed in open public areas (up to 10,000 do monitor the public transport system, though). This cost of this over the next two years? 300 million euros.

 Top 100 EU regulations to cost UK economy £184 billion by 2020

The EU's murderous borders: four poles of suffering and denial of rights "

A report published by Migreurop (a Euro-African network of 40 organisations from 13 countries working on issues of immigration policy, externalisation and their consequences within and beyond the EU's borders) in October 2009 paints a vivid picture of the effects of the EU's migration policies by focussing on three regions in which a number of common denominators are identified in spite of the significant difference between them (the Calais region and the north of France, the Greek-Turkish border and the Oujda region in eastern Morocco)

These are added to by a case study on events on the Italian island of Lampedusa, where practices have been adopted for the sake of expediency that confirm the suspicion that legal guarantees and human rights conceived as minimum standards for the treatment of all human beings are becoming a luxury that is not meant for migrants who have been criminalised and de-humanised as "illegals"."

The United States Continues to Steal Land from Indians

During the course of this long-running, class-action litigation, it has been documented that the United States owes Indian people more than $137 billion for mismanagement of trust accounts. That was established just by the documents that were presented

Sabotage cuts Iraqi oil pipeline

Chavez orders to shoot down US drones entering Venezuelan territory

FARC is being demonized: scholar

Chavez orders to shoot down US drones entering Venezuelan territory

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez revealed today on his Sunday television and radio program, Alo Presidente, that unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), also known as drones, have illegally entered Venezuela's airspace during the past several days. "A few days ago, one of these military planes penetrated Venezuela as far as Fort Mara," a Venezuelan military fort in the State of Zulia, bordering Colombia. The drone was seen by several Venezuelan soldiers who immediately reported the aerial violation to their superiors.

UN rights experts say Venezuelan leader violates independence of judiciary?

flashback-The World Bank Funds Israel-Palestine Wall

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