Monday, December 28, 2009

When you lose the whole shameüenza333?templateId=333

  How ironic, that show put on by Álvaro Uribe Velez in Cucuta, one of those most responsible for the climate of social deprivation and predatory violence that continues in the city and chaos on the regional economy. And as such,poses as bearer of peace, ardent patriot and integrationist. This can only occur when everything is lost including his  shame.

Make no mistake our people can not be fooled into believing Uribe represents the country , the same country he has shattered into pieces and  delivered to foreign corporations, covered in blood since it is on behalf of the oligarchy and the American empire. Missing are the stories of the blood toll at the hands of mercenary troops led by the gringos.

 He said in Norte de Santander, where the scandal erupted in what they called false positives, which NGOs say data over fifteen hundred each month where dozens of civilians die at the hands of so-called emerging bands(rigthwing paramilitary groups), he says having pardoned more than nineteen thousand paramilitaries who killed hundreds of thousands of Colombians, stole their land, imposed an unforgivable wave of terror inspired by their school of thought that due to his political project all is much better yet the reality is ,that his policies have spread like a fatal plague over the nation.

And what of the paramilitaries who crossed to kill President Hugo Chávez, the police and spies of the DAS captured in Venezuela, the kidnapping of Rodrigo Granda, the paramilitary groups that cross the border, asylum Carmona Estanga. Are these acts of good neighborliness?

What about the fate of Ragonvalia bridges. How many bridges and miles of roads were destroyed by the Air Force bombing in the demilitarized zone with bombs over 500 pounds from Kafir aircraft(kaffir jets are israeli figther jets). They were works built by the FARC-for  the peasants.

Anyone making a serious analysis of the results of the visit know you will not solve anything. The more you win some votes for the referendum and re-election  the more you expose that the Constitutional Court has lost all shame.

flashback-Colombia buys 24 Israeli fighter jets

Colombian narco-army seeks to destabilize the government of Rafael Correaército-colombiano-menosprecia-a-sus-colegas-ecuatorianos330?templateId=330

48 FRONT COMMUNIQUE  Communiqué of the 48th FARC Front  1 .- Some Colombian army officers stationed on the border between Colombia and Ecuador have commented in an arrogant tone, contemptuous and mocking at the same time, that in case of an armed conflict with Ecuador: "Those little Indians of the Ecuadorian army we will  return them back to workers clothing in less than blink of an eye. "

2 - The front 48 shows them,the brother people of Ecuador, that we will continue to denounce Colombia and the world to the aggression and permanent provocation of the Colombian army in the border area and its incursions into the neighboring republic on  the orders of the Pentagon and Washington's expansion plans that aim to crush the sovereignty of our nations.

3 .- We call upon the inhabitants of the Colombian-Ecuadorian border to fraternize much more and create an impenetrable human wall, with the monitoring and reporting, avoiding penetration from Colombia to Ecuador for the purpose of destabilizing militias from colombia,wich are  obeying disintegration plans drawn up by the gringo American Empire, through the American Cain Álvaro Uribe Vélez.

comment-the ecuadorian people and ecuadorian government,stand in solidarity with Farc,and denounce uribes gova nd us for disrespecting their territorial sovereignty...see..

Flashback-US military base was "fundamental" in Colombian raid to kill Raul Reyes

also see...

Flashback-Colombian Attack in Ecuador in 2008 had U.S. support

Quito, 10 Dec. ABN .- The Colombian bombing at a temporary camp of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) in 2008 in Angostura Ecuadorian territory, had the support of strategic intelligence from the U.S. base in Manta .This was confirmed by the Commission on Transparency and Truth or Angostura Commission chaired by Francisco Huerta, created by the government of Ecuador in March to investigate the Colombian attack on Ecuadorian territory bordering Colombia, killing at least 26 people, among them the top leader of FARC, Raul Reyes, and the breaking of relations with Colombia by Ecuador on March 1 of that year, considering President Rafael Correa Colombian aggression as a violation of the sovereignty of Ecuador ."Strategic intelligence processed from the Manta base was essential for monitoring and location of Raul Reyes, a priority target for the government of Colombia," 

the document delivered by President Correa Huerta and the press, after nine long months of investigations, as the BBC reported. In the same report given Thursday to the executive committee says there is no participation from the government of Ecuador on facts related to the FARC. "One can not say under any suspicion, that there are links in the national government with the FARC," the Commission report.

In wake of airline incident: Drumbeat for US war in Yemen

The Erosion & Rotting of a Nation’s Foundation

U.S. taxpayers are spending more than $40,000 per month on office space, staff, cell phones and a leased SUV for former House Speaker Dennis Hastert, even as he works as a lobbyist for private corporations and foreign governments.

Now, this is pretty rotten on its own, but here is why I characterized our lobby-serving anti-public political system rotten, and those crafting and drafting the laws serving this system and themselves, as PSTs: The payments are perfectly legal under a federal law that provides five years of benefits for former speakers — but only if Hastert never makes use of his government-funded perks in the course of his lobbying work. Ethics experts say that sort of separation is hard to maintain.  Hastert “has to be meticulous in his schedule to make sure there is no bleed from his publicly subsidized office into his private practice,” said Kenneth Gross, a former Federal Election Commission general counsel and congressional ethics authority. Steve Ellis, vice president of the watchdog group Taxpayers for Common Sense, called the arrangement “really concerning.”  “It is specifically prohibited — federal dollars can’t be spent on lobbying operations,” Ellis said. “We are paying for his staff [and] for a car, and we need to be very sure that he isn’t spending a dime of that money on lobbying operations. “That all needs to be above board, in the clear and transparent. And it’s not.”

Chavez says Obama illusion over

 Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez said in a New Year’s message the “illusion” around President Barack Obama was over and rich nations had left the world on the verge of ecological disaster.

“Let’s not kid ourselves: the Obama illusion has finished, and the shameless interventionism of the American administration shows that,” wrote Chavez. Having opposed the Copenhagen climate change summit’s final agreement as a behind-doors deal between major powers that ignored nations on the margins, Chavez said rich nations were making a mockery of U.N. principles of equality. “Those leaving us on the verge of an unimaginable ‘ecocide,’ those who caused climate change, should be forced to accept their responsibilities,” he said.

VIDEO: The US-Colombian Military Agreement (Faultlines – AL JAZEERA

El Salvador: another anti-mining activist assassinated

Dora "Alicia" Recinos Sorto, 32, was assassinated—the second anti-mining activist killed this week in the small community of Nueva Trinidad in El Salvador's Cabañas department. Recinos Sorto was eight months pregnant and carrying her two-year old child when she was shot on her way back from doing laundry at a nearby river. She and her husband, José Santos Rodríguez, were outspoken opponents of the non-operational El Dorado mine which Vancouver-based Pacific Rim is seeking to reopen despite widespread community opposition.

More Oil, Less Migrants

carlos_the_mackaral:  Tarpley on Russia Today: Nigerian Terrorist Patsy Yet Another CIA Ploy in US-backed Buildup of al Qaeda in Yemen Civil War

Honduras Action Alert: This is not the change we wanted!

However, the coup regime manipulated the numbers on the vote count, closing the counting for a full 24 hours to do so. And, the United States is busy twisting the arms highly dependent Central American countries to assemble a “coalition of the willing” that will join the Obama Administration in recognizing the electoral farce in Honduras. This U.S. led process of legitimatizing the regions first successful military coup of the 21st century sends a chilling and unmistakable message to all of Latin America. And it is not the change we wanted to see. It is time for us to tell the Obama Administration that “No We Can’t.”

carlos_the_mackaral:  Roy Tov - On An Israeli Art Student

Obama's Role in the Militarization of Mexico;

Note: "The militarization of Mexico has led to a steep increase in homicides related to the drug war. It has led to rape and abuse of women by soldiers in communities throughout the country. Human rights complaints against the armed forces have increased six-fold.... The Mexican Armed Forces are not subject to civilian justice systems, but to their own military tribunals. These very rarely terminate in convictions." "The Perils of Plan Mexico", Laura Carlsen, counterpunch MW---More than 50 Mexican human rights organizations have petitioned Congress to withdraw support for the Merida Initiative. Their letter reads: "We respectfully request that the U.S. Congress and Department of State, in both the Merida Initiative as in other programs to support public security in Mexico, does not allocate funds or direct programs to the armed forces …

DEA impersonates FARC to capture international criminals

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency has been impersonating FARC guerrillas to track down and capture illegal drug traffickers across the world.

comment-The DEA is the biggest drug trafficking agency in the western hemisphere.Also the DEA has no credibility,it is involved in narco trafficking with colombian drug cartels down in Colombia.Lets look at some scandals involving DEA shall we?..see..

Max LeMieux, executive director of the Eastern Missouri American Civil Liberties Union, called for an independent group to investigate the DEA, and stated that a "trial can't be fair when people who testify lie on the stand.

DOJ shadow man strikes at Nashville Scene in DEA scandal story

Both the AP and Nashville Scene stories were reported after Narco News published an exclusive story on Jan. 9 based on a leaked memo drafted by Department of Justice (DOJ) attorney Thomas M. Kent. In the memo, Kent alleges that DEA agents in Bogotá are in league with narco-traffickers and are implicated in money laundering and murder

OpEdNews - Article: Major DEA Scandal & Time Magazine by sibel edmonds

This second project report is based on the first-hand documented experience of Mr. Sandalio Gonzalez, retired Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) Special Agent in Charge. Time Magazine reporters Tim Burger and Tim Padgett had an opportunity to speak at length with Mr. Gonzalez and several other veteran DEA agents with direct knowledge of a major corruption case involving several DEA agents on drug traffickers' payrolls in Colombia. The involved corrupt US officers were also directly involved in helping Colombia's paramilitary death squads launder drug proceeds.

Further presented was the documented cover up of this major scandal by the DEA and DOJ IG offices. Despite corroboration by a number of other sources, including several veteran DEA agents and other government officials with first-hand knowledge of the case, and documented evidence disclosed and provided, and despite being given an 'exclusive' to the story as insisted on by them, Time Magazine never published the story, and no reasons were ever provided.

comment-The DEA doenst figth narcotrafficking,it poses as an anti drug combat mechanism,wich has been exposed for  what it is,an agency that is itself involved in narco trafficking...

One Day We’ll All Be Terrorists

Our descent is the familiar disease of decaying empires. The tyranny we impose on others we finally impose on ourselves. The influx of non-Muslim American activists into these facilities is another ominous development. It presages the continued dismantling of the rule of law, the widening of a system where prisoners are psychologically broken by sensory deprivation, extreme isolation and secretive kangaroo courts where suspects are sentenced on rumors and innuendo and denied the right to view the evidence against them. Dissent is no longer the duty of the engaged citizen but is becoming an act of terrorism. 

Inside the Military-Industrial-Media Complex: Impacts on Movement for Social Justice

U.S. Intelligence Found Iran Nuke Document Was Forged

U.S. intelligence has concluded that the document published recently by the Times of London, which purportedly describes an Iranian plan to do experiments on what the newspaper described as a "neutron initiator" for an atomic weapon, is a fabrication, according to a former Central Intelligence Agency official. Philip Giraldi, who was a CIA counterterrorism official from 1976 to 1992, told IPS that intelligence sources say that the United States had nothing to do with forging the document, and that Israel is the primary suspect. The sources do not rule out a British role in the fabrication, however.

Holocaust survivor stages hunger strike for Gaza (AFP)

An 85-year-old Holocaust survivor was among a group of grandmothers who began a hunger strike in Cairo on Monday to protest against Egypt's refusal to allow a Gaza solidarity march to proceed.

London: 2000 Demonstrators in front of Israeli Embassy in London

Exactly one year to the day when Israel started its devastating bombing of Gaza, a vigil took place outside the Israeli Embassy in London. Over 2000 supporters of Palestinian human rights turned up, Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) said, today.

comment-this is exactly what needs to take place here in united states.the pro israeli jewish organizations in united states,have long acted without interference and impunity. they are exhorting big influence over our foreign policy.we need to start protesting,adl,bnai brith,jinsa,aipac and every israeli consulate and embassy in the united states!!!!!!!!!!

System change not climate change

A capitalist economic system dependent on fossil fuels and the exploitation of natural resources to generate profit has left people and ecosystems across large parts of the planet – including swathes of Africa – vulnerable to climate change, Ama Biney writes in this week’s Pambazuka News. The ‘derisory’ funding developed nations have offered to ‘assist developing countries to adapt to climate change’ is not enough to solve the problem, Biney argues. The real focus, says Biney, should be on ‘transforming the exploitative, unsustainable, profit-driven ethos that underpins the current system of wealth accumulation that simultaneously damages the environment’.

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