Sunday, February 14, 2010

Arab Rulers vs. Israel: Of Mice and Men

"All Arab rulers are either Hereditary Monarchs or Military officers. Military Rulers establish their brand of “dictatorial democracies” where upon they win every election by at least 95%, although lately they’ve been embarrassed enough to lower the margin to 86%. These military rulers usually groom their sons as future rulers while handing the majority of industries to their family members and cronies. They rule by force utilizing their intelligence services, police, and military to subdue any protest and opposition which often results in the massacre or imprisonment of citizens without charges or judicial review.

They rule by decrees and often under emergency rule much like Israel’s military occupation or the U.S. in through its “Patriot Act”. They consider the national economy as private wealth and use bribes to buy and silent potential critics and enemies. Every governmental institution is under their command. To quiet any dissent these dictators always blame and fire the prime minister du jour and his cabinet thereby showing their leadership while buying more time for their rule. The cycle of firing and replacing governments is their weapon of mass deception."


Chavez Creates Venezuela’s “Youth Front” to Battle Capitalism’s Ills

“I care about the criticism of the young; youth can’t be uncritical,” according to Chavez, who called on the new front “to take up the battle against corruption, against the detours that always threaten every revolution.”He predicted the new official organization would have “worldwide resonance” and offered to “cooperate in its structuring, in its work, in its battle.”The president said the “Chavista” youth front will counteract the opposition student movement, which he derided as an alleged instrument of “fascist” groups that is commanded by the U.S. “empire” and only seeks to destabilize the country and overthrow his government.

“It’s a strategy employed by the Americans to destabilize the countries that the empire doesn’t want to be governed by popular forces,” Chavez said.During his speech at the parade, the strident critic of U.S. foreign policy reiterated his repudiation of “imperialism and the bourgeoisie” and stressed the need to deepen the process of socialist changes in Venezuela.


Israel pushes for crippling Iran sanctions; U.S.: We'll sway China

Visiting U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Mike Mullen declared Sunday that Washington was committed to Israel's security, voicing concern over the "unintended consequences" a war in the Middle East over Iran's contentious nuclear program would bring. 

Mullen arrived in Israel on Sunday for talks on Iran's nuclear program, as the United States and Israel were pushing world powers to support harsher sanctions against the Islamic republic.

Jerusalem and Washington have held several high-level consultations on Iran in recent weeks. Last month U.S. National Security Adviser James Jones visited Israel for talks with Israeli colleagues, and two weeks ago Central Intelligence Agency Director Leon Panetta paid a secret visit to the country. The U.S. officials briefed their counterparts on sanctions the Obama administration intends to levy against Iran, but reportedly asked them to keep a low media profile and to "act responsibly."

comment-high level meetings with israel? to discuss sanctions on iran wich has every rigth to pursue a nuclear program for peaceful purposes within the iaea guidelines(fuck the iaea i know)Point is that none of these high level meetings are adressing israels nukes,its trading of nuclear technology and the symmington ammendment wich prohibits us aid to israel until it signs with NPT ,but rather irans. heres some backround on admiral mullen,whos an all star at jinsa institute(The Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, non-partisan and nonsectarian educational organization committed to explaining the need for a prudent national security policy for the United States,)

Admiral Michael Mullen's Speech to JINSA

Israeli Nukes, US Foreign Aid and the Symington Amendment

Will Obama Break the Law for Israel's Sake?

The 1976 Symington Amendment prohibits most U.S. foreign aid to any country found trafficking in nuclear enrichment equipment or technology outside international safeguards. Israel has never signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). If U.S. presidents complied with the Symington Amendment, they would not deliver yearly aid packages to Israel totaling billions of dollars. Presidents make-believe that Israeli nuclear weapons don't exist so Congress can legally continue shoveling the lion's share of the U.S. foreign aid budget to Israel. 

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