Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Third World Children, 'Lab Rats' for US http://presstv.ir/detail.aspx?id=139852&sectionid=3510212

'Children of third world countries and nations in transition have become 'laboratory rats' for the US' clinical tests for new drugs, an Indian newspaper says. Under US' 1997 legislation called the Pediatric Exclusivity Provision, intended to speed up development of new drugs for American kids, the trials were carried out in countries such as Uganda and India, The Times of India reported.Although the trials were carried out in such countries, using their children as laboratory rats, it is not clear if okayed medicines might ever become available there and whether they will be affordable for them.'

1 comment:

  1. US drug companies used to experiment on prisoners, someone wrote about 'acres of skin' they could tape substances on their arms, just awful. Another reason they go overseas is that they can hide the 'bad data' so results look better.
    saw your post on Small State and that man is a fool, like many in the US he claims to be an expert but hasn't even read a few history books.
