Friday, May 27, 2011

AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL EXPOSED!Amnesty International advocating for Mojahedin Khalq terrorist group against Iraq

Mr Thompson, who has written to US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton calling for American action on the issue, said it was time the PMOI was declassified as a terrorist organisation. "An exhaustive investigation of all the residents of Ashraf in 2003 and 2004 found that not one could be charged with any crime let alone a charge of terrorist activity," he said.Mr Thompson called for the UN to take over the security of Ashraf, and ensure observers and peacekeepers were in place. Amnesty spokesman Stephen Pitt Walker said Ashraf's community was emblematic of the democratic movement and highly educated, which is probably why Iran was so threatened by them

[FACTS ON MEK-MKO TERROR GROUP,SEE... VIDEO-Hundreds in  Diala IRAQ protest against(Washington backed MKO, MEK, Rajavi cult)   12,000 Iranians victims of MKO terror (MKO, MEK, Rajavi cult) contact arrested in Lebanon charged with spying for Israel Western double-standards in the so-called 'war on terror' as the UK is known to host the leaders and members of several anti-Iran terrorist groups, such as MEK


 MKO, Israel's Intelligence Dealer Israel's Secret Relationship with MKO  Iraqi Source Discloses US Aid to MKO Terrorist Operations "Nobody dares to make any obstacles on the way of American vehicles' arrival at camp Ashraf and they easily enter the camp without being questioned. So, they take the MKO members out of the camp for terrorist operation and then carry them back to the camp when they are finished  


Mrs. Batoul Maleki Open Letter to president of France (On WESTERN BACKED MKO, MEK, Rajavi cult)  How the American govt fools its people - Part 17 (Terrorizing Iran)



Amnesty International -SourceWatch Assessment by a former AI-USA board member Prof. Francis A. Boyle(Prof of International Law, Univ.Illinois)from an interview with Dennis Bernstein:"Amnesty International is primarily motivated not by human rights but by publicity. Second comes money/Participation in propaganda campaign leading up to the 1991 Gulf War


During the Balkan wars, AI seems to have pushed yet another propaganda piece used to justify the bombing of Serbia-Not Challenging Apartheid-Blind on Haiti-Group Manipulation and Odd Bedfellows-Double Standards-.Buying Humanitarian Bombing?-Business Ethics?Right on time selective Human Rights reports -------------------------------------------------

On 9 March 2005, AI released a human rights report on the abuse of Kurdish human rights in Syria [17]. What is odd about the report is: Impecable timing. The report appears at the time the U.S. and Israel are exerting massive pressure on Syria.Selectivity about Kurds. Although Kurds reside in Iraq, Turkey, Iran and Syria, the report only deals with human rights violations in Syria. At present, according to KHRP, far more systematic violations of Kurdish human rights are occuring in Iraq and Turkey than in Syria, but AI studiously ignores what is happening here. -------------------------------------------------

Amnesty International on Behalf of Imperialism AI: A false beacon? How the US State Dept. Recruited Human Rights Groups to Cheer On the Bombing Raids: Those Incubator Babies, Once More? 


Coup at Amnesty International: Venezuelan Human Rights, Canadian film festivals, and censorship The Contradictions of Amnesty International "Amnesty International's Track Record in Haiti since 2004

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