Sunday, August 14, 2011

International Intelligence Summit

The International Intelligence Summit, organized by rightist individuals and organizations, was a yearly forum for intelligence and military experts to advocate new tactics in the “war on terror.” As of mid-2011, the Intelligence Summit had been dormant since 2009, when it held its last summit. According to a 2007 UPI article about the group: “The conference, at times, had an air of a reunion of good ol' boys; all in sync with the program, rather than a group of very serious professionals out to warn the free world of the dangers facing democracies. …

[O]ne expert who revealed that Islamist groups with ties to al-Qaida are operating a network of stolen luxury cars from their base in Tampa, Fla., just miles from the headquarters of the U.S. Central Command, the group tasked with eradicating the Islamist terrorist threat in the Middle East.”[1]The Summit was a program of the Intelligence and Homeland Security Education Center (IHEC), a privately funded charity that promotes educational programs to help fight the war on terror. Originally incorporated in 1995 as the International Holocaust Education Center, the IHEC claims that it expanded its mission after 9/11 from "fighting racism to fighting terrorism."[2]

The Intelligence Summit sponsored an annual forum of intelligence and military experts to discuss international intelligence, counterintelligence, and counterterrorism. According to its website, "The purpose of the Summit is to provide an opportunity for the international intelligence community to listen to and learn from each other, and to share ideas in the common war against terrorism.

The Summit's Advisory Council includes Generals, a former senior FBI official, a former senior Mossad officer, and the former Chair of the British Joint Intelligence Committee."[3]The summit at one time claimed that it recruited “active serving members of the government, like Harold Rhode of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, to serve as neutral moderators" for its sessions, despite the fact that Rhode has been repeatedly identified with the neoconservative clique in the Pentagon that has promoted the Iraq War and action against Iran.


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