Monday, August 22, 2011


At least 125 people were confirmed dead on Sunday as sectional fighting continued between two feuding tribes in Jonglei state, officials said.60 others perished in fighting between the army a militia group in Upper Nile state on Saturday, according to the army spokesman.The Caretaker Justice Minister, John Luk Jok, said 125 bodies were found dead in Uror County, Jonglei state since the fighting broke out on Thursday.The Murle of Pibor in the same state attacked the area on Thursday morning, he said.

He said eight villages were devastated in the fighting, and that some children were amputated by the attacking tribesmen.The wounded were being evacuated by the Medicines Sans Frontiers.Over 2000 heads of cattle were stolen and several others were wounded in the process, according to the state Governor, KuolManyang Juuk.The Lou-Nuer of Uror and the Murle have longstanding conflicts over cattle and grazing land and have been engaged in reprisals since North-South war ended in a 2005 Naivasha Peace deal.

[ALSO SEE..Puppets of Western governments in SOUTH SUDAN are permitted to perpetrate massacres: South Sudan - clashes kill 165 in a week : army

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