Saturday, October 29, 2011

Fareed   Zakaria  in Tehran Interviews President Ahmedinejad  -  all part of the blatant disinformation process trying to discredit Iran and justify war  It’s blatant hypocritical for Zakaria’s handlers to fly him into Tehran to ask President Ahmadinejad about political prisoners and crushing dissent, considering the ongoing police brutality and arrests of peaceful Occupy Wall Street demonstrators in American cities.This is all part of the disinformation process trying to discredit Iran and justify war.Zakaria was sent by his Zionist Corporate bosses on a barefaced mission to try the usual ‘interview and discredit’ thing.Well, he  found it was difficult to penetrate Ahmadinedad’s logic so he resorted to innuendo.Fareed Zakaria ended up looking like a pathetic shill.He is not unique, he is just another hack in the pseudo journalism Mainstream Media trade, there are hundreds, if not thousands of his colleagues that serve as shills for their Corporate bosses in the world.
[also see.. CFR BOOTLICKER PUPPET-Fareed Zakaria: Dump the Constitution
CNN contributor Fareed Zakaria argues that the Constitution is outdated and its principles should be “debated and fixed” to conform with the modern era. He suggests “a set of amendments to modernize the Constitution for the 21st Century.” Fareed Zakaria 's  'Foreign Exchange'  show had Major funding" for this show is "provided by The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. Additional support from the Ford Foundation and Carnegie Corporation of New York Affiliations Aspen Strategy GroupBilderberg 2003, Attendee Council on Foreign Relations, Senior Staff Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, Trustee  New America Foundation, Director [GLOBALISTS/NEOCON/ZIONIST CLUBS ]
[NOW CONCERNING IRANS OPPOSITION..  ZIONIST-NEOCON-WATCH-- Burkle Center Iran Conference: Prospects for Change Inside Iran CIA BACKED GREEN PARTY MOVEMENT Hamid Dabashi GREEN PARTY SPOKESPERSON EXPOSED...  Iranian Opposition Sheds Tears for Pro-Israeli Bahais in Exile 

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