Wednesday, November 30, 2011


          With no disrespect to the OWS movement ,i would like to propose a better solution,one that would benefit all americans...To all decent Americans fed up with the system,with the Wall Street heists,bailouts,i suggest re direction and a shifting of strategy.Whatever do you mean one might ask,we are in the middle of the hornets nest from where all this corruption eminates.To them i reply,yes but blocking wall street and camping out is not sufficient,and surely its still just a minor inconvenience,to wealthy,rich,arrogant,crooks who were cops not around,might even try to urinate (figuratively speaking) on some of you,with the same distaste for you as they have for the downtrodden and homeless.Would not, better energies serve the public good,to send a few dozens,hundreds,or even thousands,marching to every zionist israeli front organization in every major U.S. city,or Israeli Consulates,Embassies?When will Americans realize that we are losing precious time,in a space where war after war,we are dragged into,it is due to this insiduous control they have over our policy! I would argue that we can march,camp,sit,sing,dance all we like(while facing beatings,and police brutality) in front of ows and even city public squares,but this wont change,the real problem behind our economic woes,wich stem from uncessant wars for Israels sake.We know whos running congress,senate,house,and the executive branch.It is the Zionists,and when one considers that both parties are just frontmen representing Israels interests,then the urgency to redirect our energies against them is ever more urgent.I also feel we could occupy other places besides the ones i have mentioned,how about the CFR?how about the U.N.? My point is ,we will be dragged into more conflicts,more wars,over more regions as long as these centers remain seen yet unhampered by american anger in opposition to it. They are guiding our foreign policy,therefore it is them we should occupy,and give no respite to those who promote warmonger agendas. How absurd is it for us to allow these warmonger chickenhawks to enter these conspiratorial dens and nests,on daily basis to organize,plot and strategize on ways to hijack our interests for theirs? If hardcore zionist jewish organizations in this country can mobilize thousands of their supporters for their cause to support their warmongering bloodthirst of expansion in middle east,shouldn't we who oppose these wars pushed by them counter mobilize against them? War after war will continue unless we stop them.I propose mobilizing in front of their nests,at their organizations and foundations,like ADL,JINSA,ZOA,AIPAC, WINEP,CFR.We should be occupying these places first and foremost,as it is they who are the biggest evil leading this nation towards its destruction.Shouldn't we refocus our strategy,and target zionist and neocon think tanks,foundations and organizations? Think about it,before these drag us into war with Syria,Iran,Venezuela,etc..Im not saying don't occupy Wall street,im saying lets split it up,and march down to these zionist and neocon dens driving us towards a future world war and show them we wont have any more of it! I guarantee you once we confront these groups with enough anger,then real change will indeed take place.Do they not confront truthers,and attack those who oppose their devilish agendas? Then why shouldn't we who demand peace confront these cowards openly? The time is now!We cant allow these zionazi centers driving these insane agendas to operate freely,we just cant afford it!

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