Sunday, April 22, 2012

''US INTELLIGENCE FRONT''  Stratfor: Iran tricked the US into invading Iraq
So just guess whose fault it was that the US invaded Iraq, at least according to George Friedman over at "Stratfor". (you know, the Stratfor that everyone just got done laughing at for the low-quality "intelligence" they were selling.)
Give up?
The Islamic republic proved more successful than the shah. It conducted a sophisticated disinformation campaign prior to the 2003 Iraq war to convince the United States that invading Iraq would be militarily easy and that Iraqis would welcome the Americans with open arms. This fed the existing U.S. desire to invade Iraq, becoming one factor among many that made the invasion seem doable.
Yes, it was the Iranians who went around saying that invading US forces would be welcomed with flowers, right? And if Cheney said that, it was merely because he was an simple-minded innocent who was duped by the Iranians into thinking that, right?
In accusing Iran of tricking the US into invading Iraq like this, Friedman is promoting one of the three "It was Iran's fault" stories that were floated to justify the invasion in the non-materialization of any of those much-touted "WMDs in Iraq".  I described these three "blame Iran" theories before. But now that I read that old post, I guess I left out a fourth way that Iran was blamed for the missing Iraqi WMDs: according to the fourth theory: Saddam actually DID have WMDs but quitely moved them to Iran (or Syria, or both) in order to hide them. .. and that's why no one was ever able to find the WMDs despite years of minute and careful investigation.

[ED NOTES :RIGHTTT,IT WASNT THE 25 ZIONAZIS IN BUSH ADMINSTRATION,IT WAS IRAN LMFAOOO  ...ALSO SEE... Austin man arrested in Syria bing defended by head of Stratfor Global Intelligence (CIAFRONT) based out of TEXAS...wink wink
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