Friday, May 25, 2012

A Cowardly Act Against My Mother Helped Discover A Crime

For some time, months, I did not receive calls from home, from my family in Palestine, so I called my Mam yesterday to see what is going on. What she told me was a shocking surprise, the kind of sick idea which only occur to psychopaths when they become scared as their crimes and their betrayals are exposed.
My Mam had been trying to call me for over a month and always my number was dead or she was redirected to a tape saying that this number “is not available”. She became worried and went to several relatives to ask they call me, and also there my number could not be reached. My Mam, who is well beyond the age of 80 years, became scared and started talking to acquaintances even in other cities to ask if they could call me, and for everybody my phone number was unreachable. My poor Mam became convinced that something must have happened to me, that perhaps I had died and nobody had been there to bring me to a decent grave, she went to my sisters, brothers, relatives and together they had been holding prayers and mourning for me.
I spoke to some people about this and found out that what had happened was that the PA, specifically the Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Technology (PTIT), blocked my number so that nobody could call me from anywhere in Palestine. The PTIT, like the whole PA repressive apparatus, is near, geographically and in their hearts, to the israeli occupation administration in Beit Il. They have many motives to do such a thing. I suspect that one motive would be that the Israelis have now included me on one of their death lists, which they regularly hand over to, or compile together with their PA partners in crime to “work on”. Since the PA has no way of getting at me without embarrassing themselves, they did this to at least show their paymasters “good will”. Another probable reason for the PA doing this is because I have exposed many of their crimes to interested readers outside of Palestine.
 Continue reading: A Cowardly Act Against My Mother Helped Discover A Crime

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