Sunday, May 27, 2012

Iran builds helicopters that can't match the latest US technology.

First: So the progress of talks thus far? Well, there was a lot of trumped-up "optimism", then there was a repeat performance of the Paris Agreement negotiations of years ago, with the US deliberately demanding things it knows Iran would not agree to, then ramping up the scaremongering (this time, about 27% enrichment, and "plans already prepared" for bombing if the Pentagon doesn't keep such plans on file on a regular basis anyway.)
HahaSo apart from that, I am amused by the hyper-arrogant portrayal of Iran's announcement that it is making helicopters. You can practically hear the reporters from the US pointing a finger and saying "HA HA!" and then holding their stomachs as they theatrically laugh and slap their knee. Oh those silly Iranians making helicopters that aren't as good as ours!
good reporter would have pointed out that whilst it is perfectly true that American military technology is probably far ahead of Iran's, lets not forget the tiny little fact that Iran historically spends a fraction of its GDP on its military, quite unlike in the US, and instead Iran has been spending on improving the lives of its people -- whose live have in fact significantly improved since the 1979 Revolution. (This is a statement ofobjective fact, based on Iran's Human Development Index compiled by the UN.) This, at at time that Americans are getting screwed.

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