Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Venezuela Warns of Threats Against Syrian Sovereingty
Prensa Latina) - Deputy Foreign Minister Reinaldo Bolívar said today that actions taken by some countries on Syria contribute to mount a scene to discredit the government of Bashar Al Assad and to attack the Arab country´s sovereignty.
In remarks to Radio Nacional de Venezuela, Bolivar referred to the Syrian situation, particularly the diplomatic pressure that some nations around the world started to put on Syria by expelling its diplomatic staff.
He mentioned in this regard Spain, France, Canada, Italy, Britain, Australia and Germany, who hold the Syrian Army and groups supporting the government responsible for violent incidents occurred on Friday night in the rural town of Houla, in Homs province.
By adopting these decisions and demanding intervention without any prior investigation into the events, they are contributing to mount a scene to discredit the government of Bachar Al Assad and to attack the Arab country´s sovereignty, said Bolivar.
He noted that this stand contrasts with that assumed by countries like Russia, China, and Syria itself, which are demanding a thorough investigation into the events to establish the real perpetrators of the massacre.
"Obviously, foreign forces are arming the sectors that oppose the government to trigger chaos and anxiety in the population and speed up Bachar Al Assad´s overthrow," he concluded.

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