Monday, July 23, 2012

PLO Official: Palestinian Refugees in Damascus Support Assad’s Gov’t
A senior official of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) reiterated on Sunday that the Palestinian refugees who reside in Damascus fully support President Bashar Assad’s government.“A third party wants to involve the Palestinian refugees in the Syrian crisis in line with the interests of the Zionist regime but the Palestinian refugees will remain as supporters of the Syrian government and don’t interfere in the country’s affairs,” PLO Director in Syria for Political Affairs Nour Abdolhadi told FNA on Sunday.He reiterated that the Palestinian refugees will never be fooled by the Zionist regime’s plots and always appreciate the Syrian nation and government who have showed respect for the Palestinian people.Syria has been experiencing unrest since March 2011 with organized attacks by well-armed gangs taking arms from U.S and Israel against Syrian police forces and border guards being reported across the country.

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