Saturday, July 21, 2012

SYRIA-Suicide bombers of the world, unite by Pepe Escobar  US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, five months ago, came up with a non-denial denial by in fact admitting that Washington was working side by side with al-Qaeda in Syria supporting the Not Exactly Free Syrian Army (FSA). [1] And then there was Hillary "We came, we saw, he died" Clinton only 10 days ago warning there was still "a chance to save the Syrian state from a catastrophic assault".[2] Just like her prophetic warning only a few days before Muammar Gaddafi was captured, sodomized and executed, how could she be certain of this "catastrophic assault"? The FSA - out of its Turkey digs - wasted no time in claiming responsibility; it was an improvised explosive device (IED) planted inside the room. There were no suicide bombers. Yet the FSA have been lying through their teeth for months. Anyway, FSA spokesman Qassim Saadedine insists this is "the volcano" they promised to awake a few days ago.Much juicier, in parallel, is the Liwa al-Islam ("The Brigade of Islam") saying in its Facebook page that it "targeted the cell called the crisis control room in the capital of Damascus". That would be the al-Qaeda-style connection. In this case, where are they getting their intel from? Their good pals, the CIA?The FSA and FSA-related gangs all rely on the same tactic; they get entrenched in residential neighborhoods, even in Damascus, and wait for the regime to attack. The regime's tactic is monolithic; they tend to level any area, even ultra-urban, wherever the gangs are holed up. The result is inevitable; enormous "collateral damage" and massive internal displacement. This may start happening now in Damascus itself - assuming the FSA can keep their sleeper cells active, which they can't. And then there's the newfound Western love story with suicide bombers. Donald Rumsfeld's former Chief of Staff at the Pentagon, Keith Urbahn, tweeted, "for once we should call a suicide bomber - the one that took out a major fraction of Assad's cabinet - a martyr." It doesn't matter that he got it wrong - it was not a suicide bomber but an IED. But there we have it - straight from a neo-con horse's mouth (and plenty other conservative and liberal mouths as well). If you use suicide bombers or IEDs to kill government officials of a "rogue state", you can get away with it; you're "one of our bastards". But don't even try to do it against the Green Zone in Baghdad, or the Afghan government in Kabul, or against any of our "trusted" allies such as the House of Saud and King Playstation in Jordan; then you're just an evil "terrorist".

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