Friday, August 17, 2012

Another Anti-Iranian Hate Group
Stephen Lendman, Aug 16 2012
USAia has no shortage. Belligerent groups infest the country. United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) is one of many. Its leaders represent extremist neocon interests. By any definition they’re rogues. Mark Wallace serves as CEO. He held several Bush administration positions, including UN envoy. Kristen Silverberg is president. She was Bush’s EU ambassador. Dennis Ross was Middle East envoy in both Clinton and Bush administrations. He’s now “counselor” for WINEP. James Woolsey is former CIA director. Gary Samore served in Clinton and Bush’s National Security Council. Meir Dagan was Ariel Sharon’s Mossad head. August Hanning is former German Federal Interior Ministry state secretary. Francis Townsend was Bush’s assistant for Homeland Security. Richard Dearlove is former British Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) head. Twenty other advisory board members have similar extremist credentials. UANI calls itself an advocacy group against Iranian “ambition to obtain nuclear weapons.” Wallace, Woolsey, Ross, and the late Richard Holbrooke founded the group in 2008. It’s partnered with Britain’s Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD):
The UANI-ISD Initiative is an unprecedented transatlantic partnership dedicated to combatting the threat of a nuclear-armed Iran.
At issue isn’t an alleged Iranian nuclear weapons program. UANI/ISD want Iran’s independent government replaced by one Washington partnered with Britain and Israeli control. They claim nonexistent threats. They falsely accuse Iran of sponsoring state terrorism. They spread malicious canards. They want harsh measures implemented against its government. They want conflicts resolved by initiating them. Its mission statement reflects a litany of lies and anti-Iranian sentiment. It says:
The prospect of a nuclear-armed Iran should concern every USAian and be unacceptable to the community of nations. Since 1979 the Iranian regime, most recently under Pres Ahmadinejad’s leadership, has demonstrated increasingly threatening behavior and rhetoric toward the US and the West. Iran continues to defy the IAEA and the UN in their attempts to monitor its nuclear activities. A number of Arab states have warned that Iran’s development of nuclear weapons poses a threat to Middle East stability and could provoke a regional nuclear arms race. In short, the prospect of a nuclear-armed Iran is a danger to world peace. What is so bad about a nuclear Iran? The prospect is a threat of the highest magnitude. Iran is led by radical Islamic clerics with a history of hostile behavior including a willingness to wage war and to battle the US and its allies. If nuclear armed, Iran will project its power throughout the region, threaten key US allies and US forces, and share the technology or weapons with terrorist groups that target the US. Tehran has enough fuel to potentially to make as many as 100 bombs.
No nations threaten world peace and humanity more than Britain and USrael. Iran supports peace. It spurns nuclear weapons. It urges a nuclear-free Middle East. Claiming otherwise reveals UANI’s dark agenda. It wants the Islamic Republic destroyed and returned to despotic rule. It wants Washington controlling its policies. It’s also about plundering its resources and exploiting its people. Besides ISD, it’s partnered with other like-minded groups. They include Stop the Bomb, Christian Leaders for a Nuclear-Free Iran, USAian-Iranian Democracy Initiative, Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan, Iran Task Force, Iran Watch, Iran Press News, US Alliance for Democratic Iran, Progressive USAian-Iranian Committee, among others. IAEA Dir-Gen Yukiya Amano serves imperial interests. He’s a Washington handpicked stooge. He claims:
Iran has not provided the necessary cooperation to permit the IAEA to confirm that all nuclear material in Iran is for peaceful purposes.
Former congressman Tom Lantos and other US neocons claim no one believes Iran's program is peaceful. No evidence proves it's not, because there is none. No credible reports suggest any of the above accusations. They're spurious and malicious with intent to destroy Iranian freedom. It's longstanding US policy. It reflects Washington's quest for unchallenged world dominance and control of vital resources everywhere. UANI and like-minded groups foster hate, deplore human rights and other democratic values, spurn international law, support belligerence, and threaten world peace. They endorse controlling nations by destroying them. What can others do "to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon," UANI asks? They can expose and denounce Washington's dark agenda. They can urge people to condemn UANI and like-minded groups. They can support right over wrong and world peace. They can do plenty by just trying. On Aug 14, UANI's Wallace and Silverberg with uber-hawk John Bolton (called WS&B below) wrote a WSJ op-ed headlined Iran doesn’t belong in the UN or IMF, saying:
The Iranian nuclear crisis has dragged on for some 20 years, despite multiple UNSCRs and a phalanx of national sanctions. Many believe that only military force will stop Iran, but even now Tehran doesn’t appear to take such a threat seriously. One step short of force that the “international community” has been unwilling to take is ostracizing Iran from international organizations, such as the UN and the IMF. This needs to change.
WS&B rattled off the usual canards and add more for good measure. They’re wearing thin but repeat. Iran violates UN Charter principles, they say. Yet the world body “embrace(s) Iranian leaders.” In 2010, Iran was unanimously selected for the UN Commission on the Status of Women. At the same time, Israel alone was condemned. Iran also has a UN Arms Trade Treaty leadership role “despite (bogus claims about) arming state sponsors of terror and terrorist groups.”
Iran’s continued participation in the UN and the IMF affords it international legitimacy and platforms to advance its agenda and undermines important Western foreign-policy interests. It is time for individual countries to prohibit international institutions from ignoring their own principles. These institutions are directly enabling Iran’s diplomatic and financial efforts to advance its pursuit of nuclear weapons and destabilizing activities in the Middle East.
WS&B represent imperial Washington’s interests. Policy involves ravaging nations to control them. Permanent war, mass killing and destruction continue. No end of human misery looks imminent. Iran and other independent nations oppose policies no one should tolerate. Maybe one day many others will join them. Maybe influential hate groups like UANI won’t exist. Saving humanity depends on it.

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