Saturday, September 29, 2012

ISRAHELLI PRESS INVENTS LIES ABOUT HEZBOLLAH IN NICARAGUA Hezbollah rumors continue to hound Nicaragua  
Miguel d’Escoto, one of President Ortega’s closest advisors on foreign policy, said the accusations made by Israeli media amounts to “absurd craziness.”“You smear as much as you can on the wall and some will stick,” said d’Escoto, who still holds the honorary rank of foreign minister. “It’s like Al Capone accusing someone of being a thief.”A shift toward Latin AmericaThe warnings about the Iranian threat in Latin America started last year about the same time as the U.S. pulled troops out of Iraq
The dramatic military drawdown after a decade of fighting a two-front war in the Middle East means there is a bloated military defense industry that needs to find a new mission after the final Iraqi and Afghan contracts are doled out, some analysts pointed out.With drug-war violence, gangs and political instability rampant throughout Mexico and most of Latin America, the Western Hemisphere might have all the ingredients the military-industrial complex – both public and private – needs to retool its mission and head back out into the field.Add a dash of Iranian mischief and Hezbollah intrigue, and defense contractors might have the selling points they need to secure another allotment of lucrative contracts in this hemisphere, said Latin America analyst Samuel Logan, director of Southern Pulse, a Latin America risk analysis firm.Logan said the recent deployment of U.S. Marines to Guatemala and the uptick in U.S. anti-drug trafficking operations in Honduras suggest a shifting tide might already be happening.The military-industrial complex that has been in Iraq for the past decade is going to be looking for the next theater to make the argument for slush money and defense contracts,” Logan said. “These guys could be hot to trot on Latin America for the next five to 10 years.”
[ED NOTES;OF COURSE THE REAL THREAT ISN'T HEZBOLLAH IN LATIN AMERICA BUT RATHER,MOSSAD..ITS NO SECRET GLOBAL CST IS OPERATING IN PERU,COLOMBIA,HONDURAS,AND FEW OTEHR COUNTRIES IN REGION...THE LEGACY OF YAIR KLEIN THE MOSSAD ISRAHELLI GENERAL RESPONSIBLE FOR TRAINING COLOMBIAS DEATHSQUADS IS ALL TOO KNOWN,AND YES ISRAHELLI SCEURITY FIRMS HAVE PROVIDED THE LOBO DICTATORSHIP SECURITY IN POST COUP HONDURAS..ALSO SEE... - May 10, 2010 - The Mossad in South America Yair Klein Reveals That He Was “Asked by the Colombian ...  klein trained columbian death squads with approval of govts ... Global CST extiende sus fuerzas y mercenarios por el mundo ... General Israel Ziv - Global CST: Israeli Merchants of - AfroCubaWeb Look who's come to rescue Honduran prisoners: Israel. | Quotha  TV Report, Honduras SF training ; INTERNATINAL SECURITY - Vimeo Israeli commandos in Honduras | Machetera

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