Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Necessity of Establishing Union of 4 

The following instances are just a few reasons for the necessity of establishing a binary or even a quadrilateral union:
- The United States is the common enemy of all four civilizational centers. Although the United States considers Iran as its first and foremost enemy, it also puts China, Russia, and India on its list of enemies after Iran;- The United States is running a great number of military bases around all four centers of civilization;The Americans consider non-Western humans (and generally all those who are not Anglo-Saxon) as secondary or even tertiary citizens of the world;Realization of the global leadership of the United States and establishment of Washington’s purported world order hinges on putting effective rein on four centers of power in Asia;- Asia (especially China and India) poses the most serious threat to the United States dominant economic power;- The most important cultural challenges facing the United States for promotion of its Western lifestyle in Asia are posed by the same four centers of civilization;- The United States will be weak in the absence of energy and geoeconomic capabilities and capacities of Asia.- All four centers of civilization have suffered major damages from the United States during the past two centuries examples of which include the occupation of India by the Great Britain, imposition of opium war on China, the invasion of Russia by the former French emperor, Napoleon, as well as by the Western countries during the first and second world wars, and domination of the Western hegemony on Iran;The United States has distributed its threatening strategic military and weapons capacities across Asia;- There are two permanent members of the United Nations Security Council (namely, China and Russia) in Asia;- The world’s biggest nuclear power after the United States is in Asia;- In the absence of the United States intervention, Asia had been experiencing peace and tranquility in past centuries and even during part of the modern centuries; and finally- All major foci of conflict in Asia “during the past 50 years” have been created or supported by the United States and the West and will continue to be centers of crisis in the foreseeable future. Major examples of such crises include the longstanding conflict in the Middle East (due to presence of the Israeli regime), the situation in Kashmir, the war between India and Pakistan, the war between North and South Koreas in the Korean peninsula, political disputes between China and Japan, the situation in Ukraine and Georgia in Caucasus, the ongoing crises in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the recent social unrest in Russia.The aforesaid treaty should only consist of the four countries above. That is, it should create a unity among major Asian countries. Of course, Shanghai Cooperation Organization is already there and some of its goals may overlap with the union that this article proposes, but Shanghai Cooperation Organization mostly focuses on economic issues. [ED NOTES:JUST CITING FEW EXCERPTS CLICK LINK FOR WHOLE ARTICLE....

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