Friday, December 28, 2012

Former MEK members ready to provide witness to Swedish Parliament
With the Swedish Parliament passing a resolution acknowledging the massacre of Kurdish people by Iraq in 1991, former Rajavi cult escaped members have sent a letter to Swedish Parliament Speaker, Per Westerberg to provide testimony to role played by Monafeqin Kurd genocide“We, the writers of this letter, are from Iran and living in Europe, defectors from this Iranian group MEK led by Masoud Rajavi. The majority of us have each spent more than twenty years of physical and mental prison,” reads the letter.“Recent humanitarian act by Swedish Parliament on condemning killing of Kurds by MEK members gives the impetus for us to provide witness to MEK crimes in Iraq in 1991,” says the letter. “We have been witness to Masoud Rajavi’s and Maryam Qajar Azdanlu’s order on killing Kurds. In those days of waging war against the Iraqi Kurds, Maryam Rajavi ordered the MEK armed forces to “run over the Kurds by tanks and save your bullets for killing of Iranian soldiers beyond borders”.“We declare that it was Maryam Rajavi’s voice giving orders. In the brutal suppression of the Kurds, Masoud Rajavi told his followers in a meeting that Iraqi authorities hailed and thanked him for the killing of the Kurds and putting down their uprising in Kafra, Tuz Khormatu, Kara Teppe, Qasre Shirin, etc.,” claims the report.Furthermore, the letter adds that we, the defectors, having escaped the organization lead by Masoud and Maryam Rajaviin and its formal and horrific atmosphere governing it, decided to expose the crimes by this cult, in an attempt to stop killings of individuals by the cult.“Therefore; in order to shed light on Rajavi’s involvement in killings of the Kurds in Iraq during Saddam’s era, we are ready and willing to provide you with witnesses and documentation for this cause,” the letter continues.
Defectors to Testify MKO's Massacre of Kurds
 Former MEK members offer witness over Kurdish massacres
Canada a safe hub for MKO terrorists!
Rajavi’s Slip of Tongue

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