Friday, January 18, 2013

Al-Zarqawi’s Son in Law Killed in Syria, British Spies Support Rebels
The Salafi Movement in Jordan admitted on Thursday the killing of Mohammad Yassin Jarad, the son-in-law of Abu Musaab al-Zarqawi, in al-Swieda city.
A man, who introduced himself as a leader in the Movement and requested anonymity, told UPI that Jarad was killed at a checkpoint in al-Sweida city.The movement also admitted the killing of another member, Dawood Abu al-Mutasem, who fought along with Jabhat al-Nusra according to the Movement.Meanwhile, the Salafi Movement in Jordan announced the killing of two members from Jabhat al-Nusra in Daraa city.Hours earlier, the British Daily Mirror newspaper revealed that "British intelligence chiefs are recruiting retired spies to help the rebels in Syria beat President Bashar al-Assad's forces by hacking into their communication systems."In its article, the daily highlighted that the intelligence officials have contacted "dozens of former ¬technicians, expert signals analysts and code-breakers." "Former spies will set up base in Turkey and teach Syrian rebels how to crack the systems," it mentioned.On another level, a British intelligence source told the daily that "Britain has had an arm's-length policy towards helping the rebellion in Syria but aiding the rebellion in listening into regime force plans will be a huge help." Press reports recently revealed that British and US satellites have been taking photos of the Syrian forces movements and passing them over to the so-called "Free Syrian Army" via the British Foreign Security Apparatus [MI6] and the US Central Intelligence Agency [CIA].
Two Jordanian Salafists dead in Syria
[ed notes;dont be fooled into thinking these salafis from jordan arent in bed with puppet monarchy of king ,they definatly are..keep this in mind..  Former Jordanian Information Minister Saleh al-Alqalab admitted his country's role in recruiting and dispatching terrorists and suicide bombers to Iraq.
"I have played a major role in sending suicide bombers to Iraq,"

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