Tuesday, January 15, 2013

What Are 'Peacekeepers' Doing in a Haitian Industrial Park?
Wages and working conditions are a major issue for the 29,000 Haitians who work long hours in garment factories for about $5 a day. Anger over the situation erupted in August 2009, when thousands of SONAPI workers shut down their machines and marched into the center of Port-au-Prince to demand an increase in the minimum wage. Batay Ouvriye organizers say MINUSTAH began stepping up its presence in the park after the protests.
[ed notes:click link for whole article...
Deadly Conflict Over Honduran Palm Oil Plantations Puts CEO in the Spotlight
Months before he was killed this past September, Antonio Trejo-Cabrera reportedly sought protection from Miguel Facuss̩, the owner of Dinant Corporation, a major Honduran snack food and agricultural company. Trejo had good reason to be afraid Рhe was a lawyer who represented peasant movements fighting palm oil plantations in the Honduras in the last three years Рmany of whom were subjected to violence and other human rights abuses.[ed notes;click link for whole article

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