Saturday, June 22, 2013

ROZOFF ON SYRIA... Part 2VoR, Jun 21 2013
Robles: Didn’t McCain say that they’ll make sure the weapons are only going to the hands of those, what word did he use?
Rozoff: “Moderates, responsible” forces. What do they do? Take the Scouts Pledge? I mean, they’ll put the hand in the air and swear that they are not fanatics and they are not going to ingest and eat somebody’s internal organs? I think they obviously know who’s going to receive the weapons. But again, if the lessons of Libya, Kosovo, Afghanistan, tell us anything, it is that the US not only cannot and will not prevent weapons going into the hands of the most extreme and brutal elements, it will exactly select those elements for the lion’s share of the weapons, as it did with the likes of Gulbuddin Hekmatyar and others in Afghanistan in 1980s, as it did with Hashim Thaçi and Ramush Haradinaj and creatures like that in Kosovo in the late 1990s. So, this is not to be taken seriously. But the fact is, yes, these are exactly the elements that would likely be the beneficiary of US and European arms, with the EU also dropping the ban on weapons for opposition forces within Syria, a move that has been condemned rightly by Russia, amongst other nations. In the “proud” tradition of the Afghan Mujahidin supported by the US in the 80s, that skinned the Soviet conscripts alive and threw acid in the face of female teachers while being funded to the tune of billions by the US government. Or the organ-harvesting and sex-slaving and drug-smuggling Kosovo Liberation Army in the Balkans. And now we are seeing something quite similar in Syria. Apparently, nobody is too gruesome, too ghoulish, too fiendish for the US and its NATO allies not to portray them as freedom fighters, fund them, arm them, train them and bomb the country they’re attacking on their behalf.
[ed notes:then after they will occupy it and figth them claiming they are figthing al other words these mercenary groups wich operate with funding from gulf wich are us client regimes and allies are allowed and even probably guided to send them there,then zionist ran west backs them,until wich point they scapegoat them and make them reason to stay and continue another illegal occupation,but wont turn on their allies the gulf monarchies who run them..its all a scheme...

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