Saturday, June 22, 2013

The War on the Venezuelan Economy (includes photographic evidence)
400 tons of hoarded food seized on June 18

Many people prefer to believe opposition claims that it is government mismanagement and policy causing shortages but in this report we publish actual photos taken on June 18th in Tachira state where 400 tons of basic foods were found hoarded in a secret warehouse in the city of San Cristobal.

5,000 kilos (5½ tons) of sugar found in another raid,
hidden in an opposition house in Caracas.
The products discovered were 195 tons of rice, one ton of ground coffee, 4,000 liters of cooking oil plus sugar, black beans, toilet rolls, canned sardines and tuna, lentils, peas, oats, mayonnaise, tomato sauce and serviettes. All foods sold at regulated process. The discovery was made by a joint operation led by Tachira state governor, José Vielma Mora, in conjunction with the state police and the tax authorities (SENIAT). The fact that this merchandise was found in Tachira state, which borders with Colombia, could mean that the food was due to be illegally smuggled into Colombia and sold in supermarkets there at much higher prices than in Venezuela.

The following photographs of just one government raid provide evidence of the food-hoarding tactics used by the Washington-backed opposition. This raid raises questions about the number of other hidden food dumps are yet to be discovered with Maduro's new strategies for defending and deepening the revolution.[ed notes:click link for whole piece and more photos...

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