Saturday, January 5, 2013


About Us

The opening in Doha of RUSI’s first international office reflects the importance that the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) places on the Arab and Muslim world. RUSI(Qatar) has been established on the basis that a permanent presence and the conduct of theatre based research is critical to understanding the increasingly complex strategic environment of the Gulf and broader Middle East, and the implications of regional developments for international security.The branch will draw on the expertise of its network of associate fellows and from its permanant staff at its headquarters in London, in addition to those based in Qatar. The Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies (RUSI) is the oldest institute of its kind in the world. Established by the Duke of Wellington in 1831, the launch of RUSI(Qatar) is part of the Institute’s strategy to expand its defence and security research activities to key regions of the world.
RUSI is a British institution, but operates with an international perspective. It has amassed over the years an unequalled expertise in its field and an outstanding reputation for quality and objectivity. RUSI(Qatar) was opened with the invaluable support of His Excellency Sheikh Hamad bin Jassem bin Jabr Al-Thani, Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Qatar.
[ed notes:some backround on zionist imperial Rusi... The End Game: Destabilizing the Secular
State, Installing “Political Islam” brittish imperial commander of afghanistan admits - thenakedfacts ... Older Post - THENAKEDFACTS


The Agreement establishing RUSI(Qatar) was reached on 25 June 2007, and a Memorandum of Understanding signed by His Excellency Khalid Rashid Al-Hamoudi Al-Mansouri, Ambassador of the State of Qatar on behalf of the Government of the State of Qatar and by Rear Admiral Richard Cobbold, the former Director of RUSI.Upon concluding the Memorandum of Understanding Rear Admiral Richard Cobbold, said “We have long recognized that the best way to pursue research activities is to be present in the region and engaged in direct dialogue with the main regional actors. Establishing a branch office in Doha is an historic step, showing that RUSI, though proud of its tradition and British heritage, is determined to remain at the cutting edge of the current security debate. We are most grateful to the Government of the State of Qatar for working with us on this initiative and we are convinced that it will succeed.”Signing on behalf of the State of Qatar, Ambassador Khalid Al-Mansouri stated “It is with great pleasure that I sign this agreement today with the renowned institute RUSI. Defence and security matters are of global concern and demand international cooperation in the interest of world peace and stability. This agreement can only enhance the good relations we enjoy with the United Kingdom.”RUSI(Qatar) formally launched its programme of activities during December 2007.
I know what valuable work, in the cause of peace and security, the Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies carries out in maintaining the essential links between the Armed Forces and those who make decisions under economic and political disciplines.”

Our Patron Her Majesty The Queen (of zionism!) (she is Rusi Patron!!!)

HRH The Queen
The Royal United Services Institute has been an acknowledged leader in the debate on defence and security, been respected around the world for its contribution over nearly two centuries to that debate, and is now leading the debate about homeland security and global terrorism.”

Rt Hon Gordon Brown MP
UK Prime Minister

Gordon Brown
As a facilitator of the exchange of ideas and information, and as an educator of the policy-maker of the present and future, the Institute is second to none.”

Rt Hon Tony Blair Middle East envoy

[ED NOTES:i re did this piece took me 2 hours then my pc froze and lost all the work,so ill re-do this piece again befroe end of week,and trust me its gonna be a good one ,stay tuned..

Tony Blair

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