Friday, December 18, 2009

carlos_da_mackeral1_9: Arming Goldman Sachs With Pistols Against the Public....

Specter of Capitalism in Copenhagen: summit "undemocratic" and "exclusive"

Chavez' prophecy is that if Capitalism resists, it must be fought and roads opened to save humankind, raising the banners of Jesus Christ, The Prophet Mohamed, equality, love, justice, and real deep humanism. 

The President has made it clear that Venezuela and countries belonging to the Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas (ALBA) do not accept any text except what comes from Kyoto Protocol and convention work groups that have been intensely debating climate change over the last couple of years. There are countries, he declared, scheming to stop any document because they don't want a law or a norm because it allows them to continue their exploiting game and steam-roller freedom. Any document, Chavez maintains, must contain a clear commitment from the most powerful countries.

carlos_da_mackeral1_9: Settler attacks on Palestinians escalate while Israel does nothing to apprehend the culprits, writes Khaled Amayreh in Ramallah

carlos_da_mackeral1_9: Reg Keys on why Tony Blair is a war criminal....5 min vid... carlos_da_mackeral1_9: Nobel Peace Prize Winning Baffoon Shocker - Prisoners Aren't People! Dred Scott Redux: Obama and the Supremes Stand Up for Slavery Chris Floyd 

Bolivia complaint attempt to force a vote in Copenhagen despite a lack of consensus

The representative of the Bolivian delegation, reported Saturday that at the Summit on Climate Change held in Copehague, Denmark, is intended to impose a document and force a vote even though the rules state that in order to impose it all nations involved must reach a consensus and there was none.

"We can not impose a mechanism here, back to the meeting (...) to lead the debate, the regulations stipulate that we must reach a consensus, not votes," he warned.  He said that the document they want to impose on the countries attending, they published minutes before the meeting then told us "We were given a period of one hour to say yes or no. "

Homeland Security: Everyone’s a Threat

Pentagon's Private Militias. Notorious and influential, private Pentagon contractors must be watched carefully by Pakistan Government.

Confidential document reveals industrialized countries cheating the world on climate

President Hugo Chavez Lambasts Capitalism at COP15-video!!!

Brazil Says the US and EU Are Playing the Poor Guys in Copenhagen

Hundreds fall ill after having swine flu jab

Swine flu vaccine has caused adverse reactions in 619 people to date, varying from seizures and anaphylactic shock to fainting and vomiting.

The Blair rich project: How ex-PM pays accountant for 'cloak of invisibility' on £15m earnings

Tony Blair is paying an estimated £15,000 a year to shield his multi-million-pound earnings from public scrutiny, experts have revealed. The ex-prime minister, believed to have earned £15million since leaving No10 in 2007, seems to be exploiting a little-known loophole in company law.

Pentagon's Role in Global Catastrophe: Add Climate Havoc to War

In evaluating the U.N. Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen -- with more than 15,000 participants from 192 countries, including more than 100 heads of state, as well as 100,000 demonstrators in the streets -- it is important to ask: How is it possible that the worst polluter of carbon dioxide and other toxic emissions on the planet is not a focus of any conference discussion or proposed restrictions?

By every measure, the Pentagon is the largest institutional user of petroleum products and energy in general. Yet the Pentagon has a blanket exemption in all international climate agreements.

No-Fault Espionage

Spies are traitors in every sense of the word, unless, of course, if one is spying for Israel

Disgraceful: Discredited E-Voting Vendor VP Appointed to U.S. EAC Advisory Panel

Federal body tasked with overseeing U.S. certification of e-voting systems appoints scammer Edwin Smith, VP of e-voting companies Sequoia, Dominion, Hart-Intercivic... Incredible. This would be the equivalent of appointing the sitting Vice President of Exxon Mobil to an EPA advisory committee, but Ed Smith has now been appointed to the disastrous U.S. Election Assistance Commission's (EAC's) Technical Guidelines Development Committee as one of their new "Technical and Scientific Experts."

Ex-FBI linguist pleads guilty to leaking secret documents

Shamai Kedem Leibowitz, 39, of Silver Spring, Maryland, pleaded guilty in a federal court in Greenbelt, Maryland, to one count of disclosing classified information to an unauthorized person, the department said in a statement.

Student Suspended & Assaulted for Handing Out Anti-Vaccine Fliers

"The fliers consisted of simple medical studies that disprove vaccine safety claims by the CDC. On December 16th Breckenridge High School was holding a free vaccination clinic for all willing students, I signed up on the 14th and intended to enter the science room to hand out educational fliers. When I began handing them out I was physically pushed around by my principal, this didn't stop me from handing out many more fliers to the waiting students, some of which changed their mind and began to leave the line. After being threatened with arrest and removal from school property, I went back to class. When I was dismissed at 1:30 I ran back to the clinic.

Gold coins to bear the UN logo

The United Nations (UN) has licensed the minting of gold bullion coins bearing its logo to provide a "public option" world savings currency. According to the Vancouver Examiner, Oro gold coins are hoped to contribute to making the UN better funded by 2015, with revenue rising by ten to 15 per cent The coins are set to be produced in Europe and then distributed globally, with any licensee able to produce such bullion under contract.  Armand Dufour of the European Bank says that he welcomes the introduction of the gold coins.However, he goes on to add that there is a danger that if the US dollar weakens, there will be a strong move towards the Oro.

College Students in Delhi March Against GMOs

In Delhi more than 600 students marched against the use of genetically engineered Bt Brinjal or eggplant, the result of seeds patented by the US chemical giant Monsanto. The web site reports 200,000 farmers have committed suicide in India--the largest mass suicide in history--trapped by the high cost and debt of biotech companies' patented seeds

SEC, Battered By Madoff, Yet To Implement Many Recommendations For Improvement

The watchdog group, Project on Government Oversight is slamming the Securities and Exchange Commission for ignoring or delaying hundreds of recommendations made by the agency. Many recommendations were made in the wake of the SEC's failure to detect Bernie Madoff's Ponzi scheme. One documents obtained through a Freedom of Information Act show hundreds of recommendations made since December 2007 have not been followed up

Big Pharma paid $500,000 to Chicago psychiatrists who used children as guinea pigs

Copenhagen Summit Allows Accounting Tricks So Carbon Isn't Actually Reduced

The untold Paramilitary war of Casanare

Two paramilitary factions, supposedly created to combat guerrillas, killed each other for control of drug trafficking, oil royalties and thousands of hectares of land in Casanare in a paranoiac, hellish war that left thousands of victims – a war still very much kept secret in Colombia.

In little more than a few months between late 2003 and early 2004, about 3,000 people, including civilians and combatants were killed in Casanare, a department in eastern Colombia rich with oilfields across rolling plains.

Opposition party proposes coalition against Uribe

The leader of the Partido Liberal on Thursday invited the Polo Democratico party to begin discussions regarding the formation of a New Progressive Majority.

UN claims Colombian justice receiving threats from govt and police

Islam's Position on Killing and Murder

US air raids kill 63 civilians in SE Yemen

High Fructose Corn Syrup contributes to child diabetes and heart disease: study

“This is the first evidence we have that fructose increases diabetes and heart disease independently from causing simple weight gain,” said Kimber Stanhope, a molecular biologist who led the study. “We didn’t see any of these changes in the people eating glucose.”

comment-will the fda pull products from shelves with high fructose corn syrup that causes diabetes?that causes heart disease?not likely considering obama appointed an ex monsanto executive to head bill...what a joke.

From Belém to Copenhagen - Challenging Dominant Governance Paradigms

Of course, the position of these nations in global forums is but a continuum of the Malthusian logic and associated racists, imperialist, and sexist theories, which seek to blame the poor, and particularly women, for every vice associated with pollution, degradation, and exploitation, an outlook which feminists decried in respect to population policies that were in the past linked to questions of poverty alleviation and environmental sustainability.

Stunning Statistics About the War Every American Should Know

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