Friday, December 18, 2009

Citigroup Gets Huge New $38 Billion Bailout, Wiping Out All of Taxpayer’s “Profits”'s-%22profits%22-391719.html;_ylt=A0PDkl5pLCpLNXsBGKC7YWsA;_ylu=X3oDMTE2OXJ0Y280BHBvcwMxMARzZWMDdG9wU3RvcmllcwRzbGsDY2l0aWdyb3VwZ2V0?tickers=c,xlf,dia,spy,wfc&sec=topStories&pos=8&asset=&ccode

President Chavez's speech at the 15th United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen

President Chávez Among other things, and I wrote it down, Bolivia's representative said: the text presented is not democratic, it is not inclusive.  We were just arriving and having a seat when we listened to the President of the previous session, the Minister, saying that there was a document over here that nobody knows. I have asked for the document, we do not have it yet and I think no one knows about this top secret document. Certainly, the Bolivian comrade said so, it is not democratic, it is not inclusive. Ladies and gentlemen, is not this the reality of the world' Are we living in a democratic world' Is it the world's system inclusive' Can we expect something democratic from the current world system' What we live in this planet is an imperial dictatorship and keep on denouncing it. Down with the imperial dictatorship! Long live the peoples, democracy and equality in this planet!

Alba challenges document that Obama pretends to impose in Copenhagen

Chavez Frias denounced on Friday that the empire is trying to cook a document at the backs of the countries participating in the Climate Conference.  “Obama talked and went out through that little door, the back door. It is the empire arriving at midnight, in the dark, at the backs of most of the people and in an anti-democratic way tries to cook a document that we do not accept and will not accept,” Chavez emphasized.  The same way the Yankee empire will go out: through the back door, in an indignant way, Chavez added.  President Chavez denounced that Obama arrived at the last minute, called for a meeting that was not established in the protocol, and treat the other representatives as second-class countries.

“Obama will go down in history as a mayor frustration for those U.S. people who believed in him. But it does not matter, the important thing is that most of the people of the world get together to fight and find a balance for their societies (...) Nobody can forget that the capitalism is the responsible for this situation and the path to destroy the planet,” the Venezuela's President stated.

President of Bolivia, Evo Morales:  We must create a tribunal to try the climate polluters

 Bolivia's President Evo Morales, said the proposal of his country and of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA) against global warming at the summit in Copenhagen (Denmark), is to create a climate justice tribunal to condemn the nations which pollute the environment.

"When I say that you must speak with clarity,i mean  not only the effects of climate change but the causes, must be seriously condemned and we must finish with capitalism so  our proposal will be created.

we must establish a climate justice, for countries who try  to pollute the environment, "said the Bolivian president in an exclusive interview with Telesur.

"I am sorry to say that presidents are cowards in this moment and speak of the effects not the causes of climate change and we want to say that the causes are of capitalism and that it should admit its because the capitalist countries, and here lies  our profound differences, historical and structural differences.

corruption tied to billions of taxpayer cash used to support private military contracts

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez sees United States threat in Dutch islands

Wire Services: Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is accusing the Netherlands of letting the US military use Dutch islands off his country's Caribbean coast to prepare a possible attack against his government. Chavez says the US military has deployed intelligence agents along with warships and spy planes to Aruba, Curacao and Bonaire, which are self-governing Dutch islands. He hasn't given evidence, but is blaming the Netherlands and says the European Union should take a stance.

Chavez claims it's part of a broader plan by Washington to undermine left-leaning governments throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. During a speech Thursday at a 193-nation climate change conference, Chavez said he "would like to know what the European Union has to say about this."

Netherlands and the United States arrange for military aggression against Venezuela

“The Kingdom of the Netherlands, together with the Yankee empire of the United States, is preparing to carry out a military aggression against Venezuela. I am pointing fingers at the Kingdom of the Netherlands, it is to say, I am accusing the Kingdom of the Netherlands of organizing, together with the Yankee empire, an aggression against Venezuela,” President Chavez said.

President Chavez warned as well that the United States is arming to the teeth the Caribbean islands Aruba and Curacao, which are in hands of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. It aims at leading a military offensive against Venezuela and so try to overthrow the Bolivarian Government. The goal would be to halt the socialist revolution expanding through the entire Latin America.

comment- could this be related?

49 Year Old US Diplomat James Hogan is Missing in Curaçao … Bloody Jeans Found

was this diplomat gone missing possibly questioning what is being hatched in curacao in regards to venezuela?

The War Trap

Ratio Of Mercenaries To Troops At War? 1 To 1

The 30,000 new U.S. troops headed for Afghanistan will likely be accompanied by 26,000 to 56,000 contractors, according to the CRS report.

Kucinich: 'Class War Is Over, Working People Lost'class_war_is_over%2C_working_people_lost'

Kucinich explains how the middle class is working its way down and there is no sign of recovery.

Vanunu and Israel's Undeclared Nukes

After returning Vanunu to Israel, the whistleblower was treated as a traitor and locked away, while few protests were heard from the United States despite the significance of his evidence regarding Israel’s undeclared arsenal of nuclear weapons. He provided the photographic proof of Israel’s clandestine seven-story underground WMD facility in the Negev

$57,077.60 Per Minute

Women and men from Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, will be among the first to head out. It takes an estimated $1 million to send each of them surging into Afghanistan for one year. So a 30,000-person surge will be at least $30 billion, which brings us to that $57,077.60. That’s how much it will cost you, the taxpayer, for one minute of that surge.

Credit card's newest trick: 79.9 percent interest

It's no mistake. This credit card's interest rate is 79.9 percent. The bloated APR is how First Premier Bank, a subprime credit card issuer, is skirting new regulations intended to curb abusive practices in the industry. It's a strategy other subprime card issuers could start adopting to get around the new rules.

CIA linked to Palestinian torture

Scientists Considered Pouring Soot Over the Arctic in the 1970s to Help Melt the Ice In Order to Prevent Another Ice Age

Another 'Climategate'? Russian data 'cherry picked by CRU' to fit theory

A leading Russian think-tank claims the British meteorological office has been misrepresenting Russian weather data to manupulate the results and suggest rising temperature trends. The Moscow Institute of Economic Analysis alleges the Hadley Center for Climate Change used only a quarter of the data provided by Russia. Analysts for the agency imply that climate experts selectively used incomplete reporting that emphasized a warming effect.

Armed Forces responsible for 71% of sexual assaults in 2008

Members of the armed forces were responsible for 71% of the 69 cases of sexual assault registered in Colombia in 2008, revealed a study on Wednesday.

AMERICANS Brainwashed Enough…..BRITAIN Ditto

Alba challenges document that Obama pretends to impose in Copenhagen

“Obama will go down in history as a mayor frustration for those U.S. people who believed in him. But it does not matter, the important thing is that most of the people of the world get together to fight and find a balance for their societies (...) Nobody can forget that the capitalism is the responsible for this situation and the path to destroy the planet,” the Venezuela's President stated.

Nevada Landfill is Largest Trash Dump in USA

Childhood in ruins

The 23-day war in numbers Statistics from the Gaza Community Mental Health Programme • 1,420 Palestinians killed, 446 of them children • 5,320 injured, 1,855 of them children • 4,000 houses destroyed • 16,000 houses damaged • 94.6% of children aged six-17 heard the sound of sonic jetfighters • 91.7% of them heard shelling by artillery • 92% saw mutilated bodies on TV • 80% were deprived of water or electricity • 50.7% left home for a safer place • 25.9% report one symptom of PTSD • 39.3% report more than one symptom • 9.8% report full criteria of PTSD

Statistics from the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights • 1,414 Palestinians killed during the conflict, including 313 children, of which: – 31% girls, 69% boys – 15% under 5; 23.3% 5-10; 62% 11-17 –73% died from bombs; 19.8% from artillery shells; 5.4% shot; 1.5% from white phosphorous • 5,300 Palestinians injured, including 1,606 children • 36 UN schools damaged • Approximately 20,000 homes completely or partially destroyed

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