Sunday, January 3, 2010

Obama and Afghanistan: America’s Drug-Corrupted War by Prof Peter Dale Scott

SPINWWATCH-FARC and al Qaeda in 'unholy' drug alliance

Monday, 04 January 2010 09:57 Adriaan Alsema    

Colombian guerrillas have entered into "an unholy alliance" with Islamic extremists who are helping the Marxist rebels smuggle cocaine through Africa on its way to European consumers, a U.S. official told Reuters. Interdiction efforts have made it more difficult to send cocaine straight from Colombia and other Andean producer nations to the United States and Europe

So criminal organizations including the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC, are going through Africa to access the European market. And they are doing it with the help of al Qaeda and other groups branded terrorists by Washington, according to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration.

comment-this is nothing more then an attempt to justify the phony drug war efforts betwen the main and biggest key players in western hemisphere,when it comes to narco trafficking ... the government of colombia and DEA .interestingly enough ,this is in response to this...that came out yesterday...see..

Venezuela says anti-narcotics effort has improved without US involvement§ionid=351020704

COMMENT-now see more...

Military bases in Colombia will increase drug production

Uribe's Rise from Medellín: Precursor to a Narco-State His Campaign Manager, the DEA, and the Case of the 50,000 Kilos

see  more examples  ...

DEA impersonates FARC to capture international criminals The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency has been impersonating FARC guerrillas to track down and capture illegal drug traffickers across the world. comment-The DEA is the biggest drug trafficking agency in the western hemisphere.Also the DEA has no credibility,it is involved in narco trafficking with colombian drug cartels down in Colombia.Lets look at some scandals involving DEA shall we?..see.. Max LeMieux, executive director of the Eastern Missouri American Civil Liberties Union, called for an independent group to investigate the DEA, and stated that a "trial can't be fair when people who testify lie on the stand. DOJ shadow man strikes at Nashville Scene in DEA scandal story Both the AP and Nashville Scene stories were reported after Narco News published an exclusive story on Jan. 9 based on a leaked memo drafted by Department of Justice (DOJ) attorney Thomas M. Kent. In the memo, Kent alleges that DEA agents in Bogotá are in league with narco-traffickers and are implicated in money laundering and murder OpEdNews - Article: Major DEA Scandal & Time Magazine by sibel edmonds This second project report is based on the first-hand documented experience of Mr. Sandalio Gonzalez, retired Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) Special Agent in Charge. Time Magazine reporters Tim Burger and Tim Padgett had an opportunity to speak at length with Mr. Gonzalez and several other veteran DEA agents with direct knowledge of a major corruption case involving several DEA agents on drug traffickers' payrolls in Colombia. The involved corrupt US officers were also directly involved in helping Colombia's paramilitary death squads launder drug proceeds. Further presented was the documented cover up of this major scandal by the DEA and DOJ IG offices. Despite corroboration by a number of other sources, including several veteran DEA agents and other government officials with first-hand knowledge of the case, and documented evidence disclosed and provided, and despite being given an 'exclusive' to the story as insisted on by them, Time Magazine never published the story, and no reasons were ever provided. comment-The DEA doenst truly ,figth narco trafficking ,it poses as an anti drug combat mechanism,wich evidence shows is not only ineffective or negligent,but criminal and cumplicit in the facilitation and increase of  producion and exportation cornering the drug market.Eva gollinger and numerous journalists have documented how uribes and deas partnership have increased since they partnered,whereas Venezuela and ande nations have made record seizures and dents steadidly reducing narco trafficking.Chavez also extradited 18 major narco traffickers to united sates in the last 8 years.,yet us gov has yet to hand over ,manuel rosales,posada carriles,eggillio cedenas,and numerous terrorist criminals and crooked bankers.The DEA and uribes ties to real narcotraffickers tied to rigthwing paramilitaries and rober baron land owners has been exposed several times and revealed thru even colombial internal investigations and trials.As fara s  the DEA  it is seen for what it is,an agency that is itself , one of main players in international narco trafficking.

South America: genocide

The systematic extermination of indigenous peoples in South America is an indisputable fact, and apparently is an international policy of the "masters of the world." In Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Peru, Chile, among others, human rights of native peoples are being repeatedly trampled, and despite all the advances in legal matters.

such as judgments, decrees, laws and international treaties protection, conservation and respect for these people, everything seems to be insufficient. Consider some examples.

On February 4, just in recent past Colombia's national army massacred 27 ethnic indigenous Awa, there is no justification for that crime, because the Indians of this tribe are entirely peaceful and because their lands are legally protected by the Ombudsman Resolution No. 23 of 2008 in Colombia.

All this while President Uribe received awards for "freedom" from the former U.S. president George Bush and part of the mayor of the city of Cadiz, Spain. Among the dead were found on three children between 3 and 6 years of age [1]. Save the Jungle [2009]. Awa indigenous extermination under democratic security in Colombia

New Indian massacres have occurred this year in Colombia, so much so that in August and could account for 77 Indians killed. This added to the continuous spraying of glyphosate on indigenous territories supposedly "protected" by the state, has resulted in more disease and death [2]. Save the Jungle [2009]. New slaughter in Colombia: the systematic extermination of Awa indigenous people

Mexico  Between 1994 and 2001, 30 Indians were sterilized by deception, by public health brigades in the southern state of Guerrero [3]. IPS News [2008]. Indigenous Mexico: sterilized waiting for justice and suffer rejection, "Diego Cevallos, IPS Publishing

The year 2008 fourteen new cases were announced, one of those affected said: "They promised that if we were leaving we would sterilize a clinic with doctors and medicines that would give us food, clothes, blankets, shelter and scholarships, but not met [4]. The world [2008]. Mexican Indigenous sterilized deceptions the government demanding compensation   Peru  "My people are suffering, we are in serious danger of extinction," said the leader of the indigenous community in Peru Candoshi because an epidemic of hepatitis B, appeared this year in the northern jungles of Peru where ethnic groups live together also Shapra, awajun , Achuar, Huambisa, among others. This disease often leads to liver cirrhosis, after this, there is no treatment and can only hope a painful death [5] Ecodiario [2009]. "Indigenous Candoshi endangered by hepatitis epidemic in Peru During the government of Alberto Fujimori [1990-2000], as part of a program of "family planning" were sterilized women overwhelmingly rural, mostly indigenous. Sterilized not only women who had children but also to virgins, and doctors were required to sterilize four women per month.  In all the victims totaled about 350,000 women, and several died after being forced to undergo sterilization [6]. . Journal Ya [2009]. Reopening the investigation into the massive sterilization of indigenous during Fujimori I prepared only a few paragraphs and really my heart hurts to see so much cruelty and injustice, and all this without mentioning the extermination of the Indians of the Amazon, which even made a movie that was very ovasionada worldwide, but Despite this, indigenous people continue to disappear [7]. Diario La Tercera [2008]. Film about the extermination of the Indians of the Amazon does ovation in Venice   Argentina and Chile  The Mapuche are continually violated and displaced to make way for dam construction, forestry companies and highly polluting industries that destroy the ecosystem. Cemeteries have been destroyed and religious shrines, which are supposedly protected by the rights of worship enshrined in the charter of both countries. For more information about the repression against suramérica mapuchesen read the article: The War Against the Mapuche de Marcos Roitman.  Of the many native people who were in Chile during the prehispanic period, only today can distinguish three dominant ethnic groups, and these are: Mapuche and Aymara huilliches. Much has been made of the Mapuche race, known as the most fierce and brave in the Americas, which was able to confront and subdue the world's most powerful army of that time, forcing Spain to recognize them as a nation from the river Bio Bio southward.  After Chile's independence in 1861 began a process called Pacification of Araucanía that was the invasion and not-so-peaceful-pacífica indigenous territories that later they would be caught up by 95%, and this process was interrupted by the Pacific War, but was restarted during the government to administer the President Domingo Santa María.  The consequence was that the nearly 5,000,000 acres belonging to the indigenous people of southern Chile, were given to Spanish immigrants, Germans, French, Italian, English, Swiss and the rest of Europe for 1901 36,000 Europeans had come to Chile which became current latinfundistas, each immigrant family having received some 500 hectares of fertile, arable land, while the 190,000 natives of that time had to settle for only 525,000 hectares of land barren and infertile, this is : 10 hectares per family [8]. Wikipedia. Pacification of Araucanía This is the cause of socioeconomic inequality exists today in Chile. By comparing the poverty of indigenous Chileans, with the great-grandchildren of those Europeans who no merit today are business owners and forest estates in the south. This is the reason why the Mapuche of Chile and Argentina fight every day, and some have even been jailed on the basis of assembly and misrepresentation, as has been publicly denounced by human rights experts and lawyers [9].  Radio Universidad de Chile [2009]. Experts denounce police Mapuche conflict assembly This is the historical debt of the Chilean state towards the native peoples, and should be compensated at all costs.

posted by kangaroo:Collapse of the Dollar (Pt 1 of 7): Testimony in Support of the Montana Sound Money Bill

On March 12, 2009, the Montana House State Administration Committee held a hearing on HB 639, the Sound Money Bill. The purpose of this bill is to begin to reassert Article I Section 10 of the United States Constitution, which states that, "No State shall... coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts. This is the expert testimony of Dr. Lawrence (Larry) Parks at that hearing. Dr. Parks is the Executive Director of (, whose Board of Advisors includes Ron Paul, Lew Rockwell, Edwin Vieira, and other heavy-hitters who advocate sound money.

Are planned airport scanners just a scam?

The explosive device smuggled in the clothing of the Detroit bomb suspect would not have been detected by body-scanners set to be introduced in British airports, an expert on the technology warned last night. The claim severely undermines Gordon Brown's focus on hi-tech scanners for airline passengers as part of his review into airport security after the attempted attack on Flight 253 on Christmas Day.  The Independent on Sunday has also heard authoritative claims that officials at the Department for Transport (DfT) and the Home Office have already tested the scanners and were not persuaded that they would work comprehensively against terrorist threats to aviation.

Iran: deadly shoot-out with narcos near Afghan border

Iran lies on a transit corridor between opium-producing Afghanistan and European markets. Since the 1979 Islamic Revolution, the country has lost more than 3,300 of its security forces in drug enforcement operations, authorities say. Tehran's counter-narcotics efforts were recently acknowledged by the executive director of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, Antonio Maria Costa, who said that Iran is "making a massive sacrifice" to stop the smuggling of drugs from Afghanistan to the West, and therefore deserves “both the gratitude and the support of the international community." During the past Iranian year that ended on March 20, 2009, Iran reportedly seized more than 1,000 tons of opium smuggled from Afghanistan. (Tehran Times Jan. 4 AP Xinhua Jan. 3  Press TV, Jan. 2)

US aid for Israel tied to arms salesUnder the Obama administration

Under the Obama administration, this year's aid budget has been increased by 10% to nearly $50 billion to support counter-terrorism efforts. This does not include so-called "1206" Pentagon counter-terrorism funds. (Sydney Morning Herald)


Correa: Ecuador Not Copycat of Honduras

President Rafael Correa denounced a Honduras-like conspiracy with US support to try and destabilize Ecuador by misleading the Police and Armed Forces into a coup.In radio and TV addresses, President Correa recalled that since they failed to win the elections, ex President and retired Col. Lucio Gutierrez, and his brother, ex Capt. Gilmar shifted to "misleading the military and police in anti-government plots." President Correa exposed an e-mail claiming the closure of the Military Polytechnic School (ESPE) and the Armed Force Social Welfare Institute (ISSFA) to conceal new Constitutional regulations on military retirement pension rise. He noted that the state covers for life insurance and other risks linked to their profession through both the Social and Military Welfare Systems (ISSFA), stressing that the latter will not disappear.

COFADEH Says Protection Needed for Tortured Honduran Journalist, Cesar Silva

According to El Libertador daily, the journalist was detained at a military unit in southern Honduras, where he was taken by Armed Forces intelligence members. This action was denied by Army spokesman Ramiro Archaga. The coordinator of the Committee of Relatives of the Detained-Disappeared in Honduras, Bertha Oliva, said that they are giving protection to Silva, and informed that they demanded preventive measures to the Inter-American Human Rights Commission in order to save the life of the journalist

posted by weatherman_dan:Unidentified Female Presented by Media as Flight 253 Passenger; Clearly NOT Describing Mutallab

comment-notice how they are smiling,and almost laughing..

Israeli ICTS Connection To Pollard & Schiphol Airport

"ICTS is also linked with Israeli espionage against the United States. An ICTS board member, retired Major General Amos Lapidot, served as commander of the Israeli Air Force and authorized Israeli Air Force Colonel Aviem Sella, operating under official cover at the Israeli Consulate General in New York, and Rafael Eitan, head of LAKAM, an Israeli military technical intelligence gatherer, to accept U.S. Navy intelligence official Jonathan Pollard's offer to spy for Israel." Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab, the University College London student from Nigeria accused of trying to detonate a mixed liquid-powder device on a Northwest Airlines/Delta Airbus 330, flight 253, as it approached Detroit from Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport on Christmas Day appears to have received some special treatment from security at the Amsterdam airport. The Mutallab case also resembles that of another attempted plane bombing, that of the hapless "shoe bomber" Richard Reid.

Cancer Danger In Airport 'Backscatter' X-Ray Machines

Israel rejects bill allocating equal land to Jews and Arabs

The director of the Israel Lands Administration has used all the tactics, with the help of the Jewish Agency, to allocate state land only to Jews. Despite the bitter attempt over the decades, not even one Arab town has been established since the state's foundation. Therefore a bill must be passed which stipulates that the Israel Lands Administration will serve all the state's citizens without discrimination on religion or nationality, and will promise an equal allocation of land to better the Arab population of Israel."

Arthur Shaw: Why is Hugo Chavez so irresistible to the electorate now?

 Emir Sader // The Decade of Latin America

Latin America shows the world today its face -- imposed by the predominance of progressive governments -- a continent in economic expansion, proclaiming its sovereignty -- in economic, political and regional security -- improving the social situation of the people, strengthening international policies involved in decisions on major global issues.

Venezuela says anti-narcotics effort has improved without US involvement§ionid=351020704

Drug confiscations rose by 11% from 2008 as the Latin American nation reported 60 tonnes of drugs captured for the 2009 year."The figure makes Venezuela one of the most effective countries in this respect," ABN news agency said on Saturday.Cocaine and marijuana accounted for nearly all of Venezuela's drug confiscations in 2009, according to the drug office's latest statistical breakdown. Between January 1 and December 24 of 2009, cocaine accounted for 27.5 tonnes (45.9%) of the drugs captured, while marijuana was 32.2 tonnes (53.8%). In 2008, the cocaine haul was 33.6 tonnes (61.5%) of the total, and marijuana 20.7 tonnes (37.9%).Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez stopped cooperation with the US Drug Enforcement Agency in 2005.

ovillebabe: Small vanguard of female police risk shame, death to work in south Afghanistan

Use of potentially harmful chemicals kept secret under law

Of the 84,000 chemicals in commercial use in the United States -- from flame retardants in furniture to household cleaners -- nearly 20 percent are secret, according to the Environmental Protection Agency, their names and physical properties guarded from consumers and virtually all public officials under a little-known federal provision. The policy was designed 33 years ago to protect trade secrets in a highly competitive industry. But critics -- including the Obama administration -- say the secrecy has grown out of control, making it impossible for regulators to control potential dangers or for consumers to know which toxic substances they might be exposed to.

Utah accepting nuclear waste before safety review

Three trainloads of depleted uranium will be buried at a storage site in Utah before experts complete a safety review concerning the issue, experts say. The depleted uranium coming from a government nuclear weapons cleanup site in South Carolina could arrive at the EnergySolutions Inc. disposal site in Tooele County in six weeks. The state Radiation Control Board expects to take another year in their review of engineering standards needed to contain any radiation hazards posed by storing the atomic waste, The Salt Lake Tribune reported Saturday. Telecom firms' fury at plan for 'Stasi' checks on every phone call and email



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