Saturday, January 2, 2010

Intelligence Sources - Plane Bomb Attempt A False Flag Involving Trinity Of The CIA, Mossad, and RAW

'The Christmas Day attempt by the Nigerian son of a prominent Nigerian banker and business tycoon connected closely to top Nigerian leaders to detonate a chemical improvised explosive device aboard Delta Airlines flight 253 from Amsterdam Schiphol to Detroit was a false flag operation carried out by the intelligence tripartite grouping of the CIA, Mossad, and India's Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), according to WMR's Asian intelligence sources who closely monitor the activities of the three agencies in India and Southeast Asia.'

False Flag Event in Detroit a Pretext to Invade Yemen

'The UK PM Gordon Brown called for an “emergency summit of world leaders last night to stop Yemen becoming a new terror center,” reports The Sun. Brown declares the poverty-stricken country — increasingly described as a “failed state” by government officials and the corporate media (the same way Afghanistan and Iraq were deemed failed states before they were invaded) — represents an “evolving threat” threat and an “incubator” for terrorism.'

Israel to Issue Gas Masks to Population

'Israel will begin distributing its entire population with gas masks in two months, though no reason has officially been given by the Israeli government. No indication or threat has been made against Israel from any country that an attack is planned. No country in the Middle East is believed to be likely to engage in chemical or biological warfare with Israel, either. The gas mask distribution has, however, raised questions as to Israel's potential plans to launch an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities. Such an attack could cause an unconventional response from Iran. Iran's chemical and biological weapons capabilities are currently not known.'

Boiling Frogs Updates, Lithuania & CIA Black Sites, the Case of Mysterious Helicopters in Afghanistan & More

Lula da Silva Ends 2009 With A Military Crisis Over Reviewing The Past

Los Angeles Police Beat and Detain British Activist Protesting New War in Yemen

'The brief protest occurred near the Federal Building in Westwood, Los Angeles (not on federal property) but within a few minutes LAPD officers had quickly arrived and while not resisting arrest, the activist refused to let go of the red placard that read "No New War In Yemen" and while attempting to exercise his right to freedom of speech, the officers decided to bash his head against the hood of the car and attack his legs with batons.  The activist is a student at UCLA on a scholarship and is currently being threatened with deportation and his family has requested that he not release his name at this moment in time.'

French Media Caught Red-Handed: Honduras Coup Protest Photo Presented as Iranian

'The German daily Junge Welt reported that the French public national television channel "France 2" has diffused an image of a protest in Honduras against the June 2009 military coup and portrayed it as young Iranians resisting security forces during the Ashura day protests in Tehran.'

Is the Fed Juicing the Stock Market?

'Is the Fed manipulating the stock market? TrimTabs CEO Charles Biderman seems to think so, and he makes a strong case for his theory in an article at Biderman focuses his attention on the mystery surrounding the stock market's 9-month rally and asks, "Where is the money coming from?" After all, the market cap has increased by more than $6 trillion since March 9. That amount of money should be fairly easy to trace; right? Wrong.'

carlos_da_mackeral_786: Spy chiefs turn on President Obama after seven CIA agents are slaughtered in Afghanistan ....

World’s Sole Military Superpower’s 2 Million-Troop, $1 Trillion Wars

 Haskell Family: FBI has changed accounts 4 times; our story is the same since day one

YouTube - US revolution is near economist Capitalism brings immense suffering to the world and needs to be overthrown that is according to political economist and author Raymond Lotta from New York. He told RT he thinks a revolution is coming.

2010: U.S. to wage War throughout the world

"American and NATO drone missile and helicopter gunship attacks in Pakistan will also increase, as will U.S. counterinsurgency operations in the Philippines and Somalia along with those in Yemen where CIA and Army special forces are already involved."

School children killed in coalition raid in Afghanistan, UN probe finds

15 Most Heinous Climate Villains

27-year CIA Veteran, Ray McGovern; Why Accountability for Torture Is Crucial for Human Rights video!!! Ray gives insight into the "False Flag Theory".

Torreador killed by bull in Colombia (WARNING GRAPHIC)


Israeli Arabs and Jews protest against Gaza blockade

Hundreds of Israeli pacifists, both Arabs and Jews, marched in central Tel Aviv on Saturday to protest against the blockade imposed by Israel on the Gaza Strip. The demonstrators -- estimated at more than 1,000 by organisers of the march -- changed slogans urging "liberty and justice for Gaza" as they marked the first anniversary of Israel's war on Gaza. They called for the lifting of the blockade on the Hamas-ruled coastal enclave and accused Israel of carrying out "war crimes" in the territory.

The Degrading Effects of Terrorism Fears

This is what inevitably happens to a citizenry that is fed a steady diet of fear and terror for years. It regresses into pure childhood. The 5-year-old laying awake in bed, frightened by monsters in the closet, who then crawls into his parents' bed to feel Protected and Safe, is the same as a citizenry planted in front of the television, petrified by endless imagery of scary Muslim monsters, who then collectively crawl to Government and demand that they take more power and control in order to keep them Protected and Safe. A citizenry drowning in fear and fixated on Safety to the exclusion of other competing values can only be degraded and depraved.

Pakistan's Strategic Nuclear Assets: Why are they thorn in the side of so many?

The murder of Francisco Villalba. Álvaro Uribe and the slaughter of the Aro

His name was Francisco Enrique Villalba Hernández, alias' Cristian Barreto. He was convicted along with two of the top paramilitary leaders Carlos Castaño(AUC) and Salvatore Mancuso, the slaughter of El Aro, the latter to 40 years in prison and Villalba to 33 years and 4 months.1. Alias Cristian Barreto gave his story to Justice Office on 13 February 1998, three months after the slaughter, to alleviate their conscience 2. After the testimony was offered last year to the Attorney General's Office and the Congress, he was assassinated on April 23, 2009.

The slaughter of El Aro was one of the cruelest acts perpetrated by the (RIGTHWING) paramilitaries. For a week  he roamed freely in the area, committing atrocities against its people and their possessions: "With all the parsimony of the case, and knowing that nothing prevented them from their calculated slaughter,they hunted, tortured and wronged their 17 victims, burned 42 of the 60 homes, stole cattle and forced 1200 people to  to flee for their life "3. The accounts of the facts are staggering: dismemberment, rape, looting. At the village shopkeeper, Marco Aurelio Areiza (64), was tied up,they tortured him, tore out his heart, eyes and testicles.

The initial evidence of Villalba and others were corroborated in the ruling of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, which condemned the Colombian State on the facts, issuing a ruling that summarizes the horror of the RIGTHWING paramilitary violence in country.5. Even the ruling notes that "Colombia acknowledged its international responsibility ... in view of the involvement of its  own agents in the facts."

The texts referred to reconstruction of the events .They discuss how the communities asked for support and called governor of Antioquia, and the army and police, but authorities did not help the residents, and even then the"military members were herding cattle"  stealing from the peasants. This was part of a bloody  RIGTHWING paramilitary strategy to combat the guerrillas, who stripped the property and land from the  peasants.

He also admitted that the  RIGTHWING paramilitaries are the children of the State, and received training and weapons by the regular forces of  the STATE 8. This strategy found fertile ground for developing private cooperatives called Convivir, certified and endorsed in the department of Antioquia in the nineties, during the government of Alvaro Uribe9.

Francisco Villalba, the protagonist of this story, studied until fifth grade. Being a child of ten Dandenys met Munoz Mosquera, alias La Chica, who became lord lieutenant of the most powerful group that has existed in Colombia, Pablo Escobar Gaviria. When he was sixteen, La Chica sent him to work with Fidel Castano(AUC), a  RIGTHWING paramilitary group known for its bloodthirst10. Thereafter the history of Villalba is similar to that of other RIGTHWING paramilitary groups wich carried out assassinations, massacres, torture, betrayal.  Despite what was said, of the assassination of Villalba ,itwould have greater significance in a country taken over by violence. What makes it unique is that in their testimony it  linked the President of Colombia, Álvaro Uribe Vélez, to this slaughter.

Villalba said in testimony before the Congress of the República14 that the meeting was planned and before the action there were present  " Álvaro Uribe  and Santiago Uribe, Mr. Mancuso, Cobra, Noventa Carlos Castano(AUC), me, Junior and I had 22 men under my command. " He added that following the massacre, there was another meeting  and that in addition to the RIGTHWING paramilitary commanders, such as Mancuso and Carlos Castaño, were Alvaro and Santiago Uribe, and that the then governor of Antioquia  came  and "We wre congratulated and everything was offered to us." 

references below,because of volume of references,i posted just some.original article above has all.

Notes 1. Attorney General's Office, press release, April 2003, "" / pag/divulga/Bol2003/abril/bol160.htm. /? CategoryID = 13,778


http://www.polodemocratico .net / Uribe-authorize-several-Living-a

COLOMBIA: Women Empowered by Restoring Desertified Land

FLASHBACK-Source: Shell Oil nominated for the Environmental Award by the WWF. Project Underground. 1995:

“Evolution of the Neoliberal Crusade in the Amazon

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