Friday, February 26, 2010

Facing the KKK: Migrant Youth Walkers

Brave students are walking from Miami to Washington, D.C. to demand our nation’s leaders fix our failed immigration system. They have just entered the Deep South and have encountered extreme anti-immigrant sentiment — including the Ku Klux Klan. Now more than ever they need our support so they know they’re not alone.

Along the "Trail of Dreams,” their 1,500 mile walk, they will call on our nation’s leaders to ensure that young people like themselves, and all immigrants, have the chance to realize their potential and fully participate in society. These students are taking a courageous stand on behalf of millions of others who suffer under our failed immigration system. Please stand with them as they walk through hostile territory and take their message to Washington.


Peru: still no justice in Bagua massacre

Peru: indigenous organizations demand protection for "isolated peoples"

AIDESEP and the regional organizations FENAMAD (Madre de Dios), ORAU (Ucayali) and ORPIO (Loreto) secured from INDEPA a commitment to draw up a management plan for the Madre de Dios Territorial Reserve for Isolated Peoples within 90 days. One of five such reserves in Peru, this Territorial Reserve was created in 2002 for the protection Mashco-Piro, Yora and Amahuaca bands in voluntary isolation in the rainforest. However, the government has done little to secure the reserve from encroaching development interests. (FENAMAD, Feb. 15)

However on Feb. 4, just days before the talks opened, President Alan García introduced a bill that would allow the forcible removal of local populations from lands slated for development projects found to be in the "public interest." Indigenous rights advocates are lobbying against the bill. (Servindi, Feb. 10)


A History of Relations with Iran,Accusing Iran; Ignoring History

And there is a third piece of recent history that the nuclear accusation ignores: the lack, as in Iraq, of any evidence that Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons. Not only the U.N.’s nuclear inspectors say that there is no evidence of an Iranian nuclear weapons program, all of the several American intelligence organizations have unanimously agreed, not once, but twice, in uncommon public declarations that there is no evidence of an Iranian nuclear weapons program.

Each sensational story of proof to the contrary that keeps glittering in the headlines of the western media has been clearly and consistently refuted, as shown by the reports of people like Porter and Ritter. It is the reports and not the refutations, though, that make the headlines. And that’s an old and effective trick for misshaping public opinion: report the error in large letters, but not the correction that follows.

comment-also see...richard hass from CFR has been vocal calling for regime change,just last nigth to my disgust i seen him making the case for military intervention on the bill maher show,wich of course,maher himself called iran,the''bad''guys...stay tuned for ww3...


Honduras Palm Oil Plantations: Sustainable Development Facade

Johnny Rivas is a vocal member of the Unified Movement of Aguan Farmers (MUCA), an organization that claims over 3,500 families demanding the redistribution of land in the North Coast of Honduras. For over five years Rivas has fought for land rights in Aguan, known as the ‘capital of agrarian reform.’ MUCA formed in 2001 in order to reclaim lands that Rivas says "were transferred to corrupt businessmen under fraudulent terms." Rivas has recently been a target of constant death threats for his participation in the movement.


Stop Dumping on Aboriginal Rights

‘Stop dumping on Aboriginal Rights’, say anti-Intervention campaigners The Intervention Rollback Action Group in Alice Springs today said that the imposition of a nuclear dump on NT Aboriginal Land is yet another clear breach of ALP election commitments and demonstrates contempt for Aboriginal rights.IRAG says that Intervention policies, which only resource communities deemed ‘viable’ by government, are exacerbating pressure on Aboriginal people to give up their land for destructive projects like the nuclear dump.

“Our people in remote areas are being starved of resources through the Intervention and the NT government’s ‘hub towns’ policy. They are coming in as refugees to Alice Springs. The Intervention housing program (SIHIP) will build no new houses for most communities and won’t even upgrade existing housing to public housing standards. Now Labor is continuing Howard’s policy– saying communities can get access to $12 million for basic infrastructure like housing and roads, only if they accept a nuclear waste dump”, said Barbara Shaw from the Intervention Rollback Action Group.


US New Enemies: Indigenous Peoples

"One has to keep in mind the nature of organizations that end up on the U.S. State Department terrorist list. Many are indigenous nations seeking accommodation with oppressive states. Unfortunately, many of these oppressive states are also friends of the United States government and the corporations it represents.

If murder and theft is official U.S. policy, then any people that defends themselves from the financial cartel is automatically on the list. Indeed, if one looks at the history of liberation struggles, the United States has supported apartheid down the line."The US Supreme Court heard arguments today reported by the news media as an issue of US Constitutional First Amendment Rights. The Courts decision will have much larger...



Tory MEP to launch anti-tax 'Tea Party' group

British Conservative MEP Dan Hannan is jealous that Europe does not have its own anti-tax "Tea Party" movement, as in the US, and has decided to start one himself. On Saturday (27 February), the eurosceptic deputy is to launch the "Brighton Tea Party," in reference to the Boston Tea Party that kicked off the American Revolution and, in recent times, has sponsored a series of anti-Obama demonstrations against stimulus spending, healthcare legislation and climate change bills.

In the US, the protests have been hailed by figures such as right-wing talk radio commentator Rush Limbaugh and ex-vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin. Democrats and progressives have called them "astroturf" - a fake grassroots campaign that in reality is bankrolled by corporations and conservative think-tanks.The British version is backed by the Freedom Association, a libertarian pressure group of which Mr Hannan is a member.The anti-tax element is not the only aspect of the US movement which the Tory politician admires, being also a strong critic of publicly funded healthcare.


Colombian court quashes relection vote

A recent poll found that almost half of respondents would vote for Uribe if he were permitted to run again mainly due to his national security policies. Nevertheless, Uribe has been hounded by numerous scandals such as the "false positives" affair that implicated the country's military and the "para-politics" scandal. The latter has implicated numerous politicos and officials with ties to Colombia's rightist paramilitaries including possibly one of the president's cousins:Mario Uribe Escobar, a former senator, was detained following an order from the Colombian Supreme Court...

Mario Uribe, who denies any wrongdoing, was detained for several months in 2008 but subsequently released for lack of evidence linking him to paramilitaries... Former paramilitary leaders have alleged that Mario Uribe conspired with their groups in the 1990s to take over farmland in agriculturally rich regions of Colombia that were under paramilitary control.


Chevron's Arbitration Claim "Worthy Of Contempt": Southern District Court Of New York Filing

In the brief, the plaintiffs argue that Chevron agreed to accept Ecuadorian jurisdiction when the Southern District Court of New York dismissed the case on forum non conveniens grounds in 2002, following Chevron’s submission of 14 affidavits describing Ecuador’s court system as fair and just. “But now, in a case of transferor’s remorse, Chevron seeks to break its promise….Even worse…in a forum where plaintiffs cannot even appear,” the legal brief states. 

The plaintiffs also argue that Chevron can not cite any case where a defendant was permitted, after years of litigation, to dismiss the case through a third-party arbitration where plaintiffs could not even appear. “Chevron’s position is not only unprecedented, it is worthy of contempt,” the plaintiffs argue.


Re-election referendum entirely unconstitutional: Court

Constitutional Court President Mauricio Gonzalez announced Friday that the court voted 7 to 2 against the referendum to allow Colombian President Alvaro Uribe to run for a third term and called the document "unconstitutional in its entirety".


No to Berlusconi impunity

The "purple movement" back on the streets in Rome on february 27 to protest against the laws made by Berlusconi to save himself from trials. A demonstration self-financed by those who think that justice should be equal for all.


VIDEO-Arrested Terrorist Leader Exposes Extensive CIA Connections

“They said they would cooperate with us and will give me military equipment, arms and machine guns. They also promised to give us a base along the border with Afghanistan next to Iran,” Rigi said.

“They [were] prepared to give [us] training and/or any assistance that [we] would require, in terms of telecommunications security and procedures as well as other support, the Americans said they would be willing to provide it at an extensive level,” he added.Rigi indicated that the relationship with U.S. intelligence continued through the election of Barack Obama and up to the present day.


IMF Head Calls for Global Currency

"Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the head of the International Monetary Fund, suggested Friday the organization might one day be called on to provide countries with a global reserve currency that would serve as an alternative to the U.S. dollar.

"That day has not yet come, but I think it is intellectually healthy to explore these kinds of ideas now," he said in a speech on the future mandate of the 186-nation Washington-based lending organization." comment-The IMF is a global banking cartel run by the NWO, just like the Fed, but bigger and with a lot more Euro-trash commies.


Obvious role for US investigators in Dubai murder case

Financial institutions based and incorporated in the United States have now been fingered by Dubai Police as having issued credit cards to some of the now dozens of suspected assassins of Hamas operative Mahmoud al-Mabhouh.  The fraudulent cards were said to be used to book hotel rooms and pay for air travel.  

The firms allegedly involved include Meta Financial Group Inc, based in Storm Lake, Iowa, and Payoneer, a New York-based online payment company that provides pre-paid Mastercards.Payoneer also has a research and development centre based in Tel Aviv. (I find it mildly amusing that Payoneer is pimped out on the Birthright Israel website).


Leader Assassinated Yesterday in Front of Her Two Children Denounce U.S. Support for Repressive State Run by Pepe Lobo

I ask that the U.S. STRONGLY CONDEMN the Lobo administration for continued human rights violations and call for the protection of all human rights defenders and media workers in Honduras, while cutting military aid to the country. I also urge the U.S. to reject the Lobo administration's proposed Truth Commission, and push for an independent truth process that would thoroughly investigate the human rights violations and other crimes committed under the interim government of Roberto Micheletti, as well as the current administration, instead of simply whitewashing the coup in Honduras. NO BUSINESS AS USUAL. Thank you.” 

This alert was written by allies in the Central American solidarity movement. For more information about the crisis in Honduras, please visit: Comunicado about the murder from the FNRP: The Quixote Center: School of the Americas Watch: Honduras Resiste: National Resistance Front Against the Coup (en español):


Ottawa universities to host 'Israel Apartheid Week'

Two Ottawa universities are going ahead next week with a controversial campaign that links Israel's treatment of Palestinians to the treatment of blacks in apartheid South Africa, despite facing objections by the province's MPPs.Beginning March 1, both Carleton University and the University of Ottawa will host Israel Apartheid Week (IAW), an international event held annually in cities and campuses around the world. Other Canadian cities hosting IAW this year include Toronto, Hamilton, Montreal and Edmonton.

Groups like the Institute for Global Jewish Affairs and Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies have condemned the annual event as being anti-Semitic.

comment-facts are that the apartheid practiced on palestinians is against semites and  the week long campaign on university campus is also on behalf of semetic palestinian with it...

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