Friday, February 26, 2010


Anthrax Case Closing Challenged


Locked-out Mining Union Gets Solidarity Boost in Battle with Mineral Conglomerate Rio Tinto

The solidarity and support is warranted: Since January 31, Local-30 members of the International Longshore & Warehouse Union (ILWU) have been locked out for standing up to multi-billion dollar multinational mining conglomerate Rio Tinto Group’s strong-arm attempt to slash their basic workers' rights and benefits, busing in replacement workers from its other mines.

“The fact that this money was raised quickly from concerned union families in Southern California indicates that the miners' fight against Rio Tinto’s lockout and corporate bullying tactics is resonating and connecting with the public,” said ILWU spokesperson Craig Merrilees. “This issue has the potential to become a powerful symbol of corporate greed, and a decision by these determined families to stand up and fight is becoming an inspiration to everyone who’s fed up with what’s happening in America today.”

comment-also see...the major shareholder of rio tinto is the ''queen''also see...Rio Tinto: Global Compact Violator


Uribe meets with CIA director

President Uribe met with CIA director Leon Panetta on Thursday to discuss the Colombia-U.S free trade agreement and the over haul of Colombia's scandal-ridden intelligence agency, the DAS.During the hour-long meeting, Panetta agreed to speak directly with President Barack Obama about Uribe's desire to see the trade agreement passed soon.Panetta also praised Uribe's counter-narcotics efforts and his hard-hitting policies against the FARC.The two also discussed how to reform training for DAS personnel.There are currently criminal investigations pending against 40 DAS officials for alleged involvement in the illegal wiretapping of journalists and human rights activists.

According to Caracol Radio, Panetta also showed interest in applying the model for a reformed Colombian intelligence in other countries.Defense minister Gabriel Silva, military forces commander General Freddy Padilla, and director of police forces General Oscar Naranjo also attended the meeting. Pre-presidential candidate Juan Manuel Santos also reportedly met with Panetta.Silva met privately with Panetta later in the evening to further discuss details about restructuring the DAS, after last year's ongoing spying and wiretapping scandal.

comment-see...The US-Colombia Unfair Trade Agreement: Just say No!

Tell them to vote “NO” on the U.S.-Colombia FTA

say no to the Canada-Colombia Free Trade Agreement

also see...Urgent action: Leaders of Colombian Wayuu People Go into Exile to Escape Violence

Corporate media silent on Colombian paramilitaries' confession to 30,000 murders


New Florida driver's license rules frustrate a confused public

The new rules are part of a federal law called Real ID, which Congress passed in 2005 out of concern that drivers' licenses were too easy to get.


Farmers Fighting for Their Health: Taking on Chemical Companies and Transitioning to Sustainable Ag

The Ecologist reported recently that three French farmers have successfully sued chemical companies for cancer and Parkinson’s disease that resulted from their occupational use of pesticides–an issue as widespread as it is under-reported. A cereal farmer with 100,000 hectares of land in in the Vosges region, Dominque Marchal was the first farmer to have his leukemia associated with his daily pesticide use. His wife was determined to get to the bottom of the issue. 

Atrazine increases the activity of an enzyme called aromatase that can, in turn, increase levels of estrogen. According to Dr. [Janet] Gray [Board Member and Acting Science Adviser to the Breast Cancer Fund], “This is of great concern when it comes to breast cancer because we know that increased exposures to estrogens are one of the major risk factors for increased incidences of breast cancer.”

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