Thursday, February 25, 2010



A group of about 30 “alijunas” (non indigenous), paramilitaries of the extradited commander of the Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia AUC JORGE 40, invaded in the dawn of today 19th February 2010 the territory of the indigenous community of Houluy. The invasión which is underway counts on the support from the mayor’s office in Maicao and the office of the Governor of the Department of Guajira. ¿How is this posible?


WEISBROT: Independent Latin America Forms Its Own Organization

The Obama Administration’s continuation of former President Bush’s policies in the region undoubtedly helped spur the creation of this new organization, provisionally named the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States. Most importantly, the Obama team’s ambivalence toward the military coup that overthrew the democratic government of President Mel Zelaya in Honduras last summer provoked deep resentment and distrust throughout the region.

Although the Obama administration was officially against the coup, numerous actions from day one – including the first White House statement that failed to condemn the coup when it happened – made it clear in the diplomatic world that its real position was something different. The last straw came in November 2009 when the Obama administration brokered a deal for the return of Zelaya, and then joined the dictatorship in reneging on it. Washington then stood against the vast majority of the region in supporting the November elections for a new president under the dictatorship, which had systematically repressed the basic rights and civil liberties necessary to an electoral campaign.


Spain's Judge Garzón faces suspension —after opening Bush-era war crimes probe

Authorities in Spain have launched proceedings to suspend the notorious investigating magistrate Baltasar Garzón. The ostensible reason for the move is his investigation into the fate of 114,000 people who disappeared during the Spanish Civil War and its aftermath

The move comes just as Garzón opened a formal criminal investigation of former White House attorneys John Yoo and Jay Bybee and other Bush administration officials for their role in authorizing torture at the Guantánamo Bay detention center. Garzón's inquiry will be the first formal examination of alleged criminal activity that could lead to a number of US officials being charged with violations of the Geneva Conventions and the Convention Against Torture, both of which have been signed by the United States and ratified by the US Senate. 


Gordon Brown Calls For A World Constitution - Feb. 2010


Olympic sponsor financing dirtiest oil project on Earth

The oil sands is turning Alberta into an environmental wasteland. Habitat, forestland, water quality are all suffering, and cancer is increasing among First Nations communities. We can no longer stand by and watch while one of the most pristine and biodiverse areas in North America is systematically destroyed for greed. And this oil is now also being prepared to be pumped into the US via a new pipeline being built in to the U.S.

(the Yankee Clipper) which of course, this administration has not mentioned once in all of its talk about "clean" energy and Co2 caps. It is time to tell the CEO of RBC to stop financing this dirty environmentally destructive crime against nature and send a message to those who deem to make a profit from it by greenwashing their intentions and actions by sponsoring Olympic events


Urgent action: Leaders of Colombian Wayuu People Go into Exile to Escape Violence

Last October, Wayuu Indigenous leader Karmen Ramirez Boscan was in London as a guest of the Colombia Solidarity Campaign. She came to Britain for the AGM of mining multinational BHP Billiton, which is one of the three multinational owners of the Cerrejon coal mine (the other two are Anglo American and Xstrata. All three are listed on the London Stock Exchange. The largest shareholder in Xstrata is the private Swiss company Glencore.) Since returning to Colombia, Karmen and her colleagues have suffered threats from paramilitaries for their organisational work and their criticisms of the Cerrejon mine's operations. Karmen's organisation, Fuerza de Mujeres Wayuu, has issued the following Urgent Action.

3 indigenous leaders from the Fuerzas de Mujeres Wayuu (FMW) (Force of Wayuu Women) movement have recently been forced to leave their territory in order to protect their lives. Their work in defence of their territory, as well as their international denunciations about the operations of transnational companies in their territory, have resulted in them being threatened by paramilitaries and the criminalization of their activities. Several members of the Organización Fuerza de Mujeres Wayuu have become the target of investigations and extrajudicial followings, by the Uribe government in response to their work. This has all become a lot worse in the last few months.

coment-also see...Colombian network against large scale transnational mining is launched


Corporate media silent on Colombian paramilitaries' confession to 30,000 murders

Apparently, the corporate media doesn't consider it to be newsworthy: the confession to a Colombian prosecutor of 30,000 murders by paramilitaries who are linked to the Alvaro Uribe regime. To date, Associated Press, Reuters and their contracted media outlets remain silent on this latest news. If it had taken place in Somalia, China, Syria, North Korea, Iran or any of Washington's perceived enemies, we would be seeing it on a CNN special report, backed up on the front pages of the New York Times and Washington Post.

The Colombian prosecutor announced on Tuesday (16) impressive data on the activity of paramilitaries in the country. According to a report published by the Office of Justice and Peace Promotion, 4112 ex-combatants of the paramilitary United Self Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC) confessed to having committed 30,470 murders in a 20-year period - from mid-'80s to 2003, when it would have begun the process of demobilization.The death toll puts the paramilitary groups in Colombia - a country whose "democracy" is one of the oldest in Latin America - at the same level of dictatorships in the region, like that of Argentina (1976-1983), who left nearly 30 people dead and missing.


revolutionary_sweetheart_malita: Global Sweatshop Wage Slavery

In its mission statement, the National Labor Committee (NLC) highlights the problem stating:Transnational corporations (TNCs) now roam the world to find the cheapest and most vulnerable workers.”

They’re mostly young women in poor countries like China, India, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Indonesia, Nicaragua, Haiti, and many others working up to 14 or more hours a day for sub-poverty wages under horrific conditions. Because TNCs are unaccountable, a dehumanized global workforce is ruthlessly exploited, denied their civil liberties, a living wage, and the right to work in dignity in healthy safe environments. NLC conducts “popular campaigns based on (its) original research to promote …


revolutionary_sweetheart_malita: Parallels of Conquest, Past and Present

Like William the Conqueror who ignored the English battlefield dead, the U.S. government has not identified – nor even made a good-faith effort to estimate – the number of Iraqis and Afghanis who have been killed.That’s because the Bush administration – and now the Obama administration

– have had an official policy of not counting the number of people killed, crippled, rendered homeless, starved, or condemned to disease and possibly insanity.By suppressing the human toll, the war still can be sold as benefiting the Iraqi people. The reality of their intense suffering, however, is much different from the generally positive image that U.S. propagandists seek to present.


Small islands, tax havens and climate change

Khadija Sharife investigates how the tax havens that prop small island economies up do so to detrimental effect. She argues that ‘as the G20 spends its time creating a carbon trade market that does little to reduce carbon emissions, multinationals continue to expand their extractive enterprises, dictators continue to siphon off capital, financial firms continue to cash in on pollution and this illicit capital continues to be laundered through offshore locations that are themselves threatened by the rising waters associated with global warming.’

Meanwhile, G20 governments subsidised fossil fuels to the tune of US$300 billion in 2009. So, as the G20 spends its time creating a carbon trade market that does little to reduce carbon emissions, multinationals continue to expand their extractive enterprises, dictators continue to siphon off capital, financial firms continue to cash in on pollution and this illicit capital continues to be laundered through offshore locations that are themselves threatened by the rising waters associated with global warming.


Making the connections between South Africa and Israel–Palestine

By the late 1980s, connections were being made between repression in South Africa under the state of emergency, and the 'force, might and beatings' with which Israel responded to the unarmed Palestinian uprising of the entire population to throw off the military occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.As the South African anti-apartheid leader Archbishop Desmond Tutu told a New York synagogue in 1989, 'If you changed the names, the description of what is happening in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank would be a description of what is happening in South Africa.'

Israel's iniquitous treatment of Palestinian people has clear parallels with the discrimination suffered by 'non-white' people under apartheid South Africa, argues the Boston Coalition for Palestinian Rights. The Israeli state has continued to flout international law in its efforts to annex further territory and marginalise Palestinian people, the coalition argues, calling for the maintenance of boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) until Israel ends its occupation.

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