Tuesday, January 15, 2013

MOSSAD BACKED JUNDOLLAH IN SYRIA... Foreign fighters seek Islamic state in post-Assad Syria Yara Bayoumy, Reuters, Jan 11 2013Huddled around a fire in a bombed-out building in Aleppo, foreign jihadists say they are fighting for a radical Islamic state in Syria, whether local rebels like it or not. Among their fellow revolutionaries and civilians, these foreigners draw both respect for their iron discipline and fear that if Assad falls, they may turn on former allies to complete the struggle for an Islamic caliphate. One Turkish fighter in the devastated Aleppo district of Karm al-Jabal, who left his job as a driver to fight for two years in Afghanistan before moving to Syria six months ago, expressed an unbending determination to achieve a state under Shari’a law that worries many Syrians, the West and even regional backers of the anti-Assad rebellion. Sporting a shaggy beard and with an AK-47 slung over his shoulder, the fighter, who called himself Khattab, said: Syria will be an Islamic and Shari’a state, and we will not accept anything else. Democracy and secularism are completely rejected. Anyone who stands in the way, we will fight them, even if they are among the revolutionaries or anyone else.
[ed note:again back to one of my key questions,hes a a turkish figther who fougth in afghanistan then came to syria...why didnt he go back to Turkey and figth for sharia and islamic state in Turkey???Turkey is secular,but he doesnt go figth erdogan and the secular system there???do you see the contradiction???
A member of the Jundollah rebel unit, Khattab has little knowledge of Arabic. He spoke in the rubble-strewn building through a Syrian translator, and refused to be filmed or photographed for fear of being identified back in Turkey .[ed notes:Jundollah?wait a second he's a jundollah figther?same group wich  C.I.A. backed to attack Iran??? CIA Funded and Backed “Jundullah” Destabilization Program Kills ...   THIS JUNDOLLAH? Israel Framed CIA in Backing Jundallah Terrorists -- News from ...

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