Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Researchers in the Department of Nuclear Engineering and Physics, Amir Kabir University of Technology have developed a power supply for plasma focus machines with energy consumption less than 5 Jules, Miniature Plasma Focus, equipped with outlet gauging and repetition.Hamid Reza Aali Vaneghi, researcher, said that plasma focus machines have research applications in nuclear fusion, plasma physics, and the production of radiations such as neutron and soft X-rays, and added that production of these rays would provide plasma focus machines with potentials for medical applications and surface finishing in micro dimensions.“To find ever more applications, researchers have tried to improve its performance and minimize the system. In this research, therefore, the production of a small, portable power supply with energy gauging and repetition options were studied.”Ali Vaneghi pointed to the machine to have been produced with domestically developed design and a part, adding that the machine is made in miniature dimensions and is adjusted by software. “With a 36-V input it can produce an output of 4 to 7,000 volts with up to 10 shots per second,” he added.“In addition to plasma focus systems, the machine can have applications in other systems using the pulse power technique,” he said.The research was conducted as an MS dissertation in Nuclear Fusion Engineering at Amir Kabir University of Technology.

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