Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Operation Serval
Liberté Algérie’s Mounir Boudjema writes that the name of the French military action in Mali is apt, given that its namesake is a cat that “urinates 30 times an hour to mark its territory“:“Despite the French president’s semantic precautions and the language used to legitimize a military intervention that will have terrible consequences for the sub-region, François Hollande has shown that he cannot alter the reality of ‘la Françafrique.’ When French interests are threatened in Africa (Côte d’Ivoire, Rwanda, Chad, Gabon, Central African Republic…), Paris dusts off its policeman’s uniform and sends in its helicopters. Protecting Niger’s uranium reserves is worth the sacrifice of military expenses, even in the midst of an economic crisis. It’s too early to speculate on the outcome of this inevitable military intervention. It’s all a question of timing. But two things are sure to happen. First, a humanitarian crisis in the Sahel with huge numbers of displaced people. Then, France’s action will unite the terrorist groups, since jihadists from around the world will descend on Mali to give a hand to their brothers in arms.” [Translated from the French.]

Beyond nation states
New York University’s Manthia Diawara suggests that perhaps restoring Mali to its pre-coup form may not be as desirable a goal as the international community seems to think:“Why are we so attached to a nation state that can only be preserved for us by others. If the nation and nationalism were useful for Africa at one time, it was to do away with the colonial yoke that reduced us to subhumans. If after 50 years of independence Westerners have to come to save our nation states, or to protect us from dictators, or to teach us democracy, maybe it’s time to start rethinking, to imagine other systems of communal living than those offered by nation states.If we cannot protect the rights of minorities inside our nation states, why not ask questions about the existence of these nation states. Why keep on keeping men and women like prisoners within the nation, if it cannot satisfy their basic needs for freedom of movement and expression, the right to work, to education and to health?” [Translated from the French.]
[ed notes:thats the euro imperial goals for mali stupid,to create another region where jihadists will come from other parts of world to figth,this gives the neocolonial euro pigs more reason to keep occupying it,and justify its continual occupation...but the real key to that agenda lies in fact that these so called jihadists pouring into mali,under the AUSPICES OF AL QAEDA IN NORTH AFRICA ,were actually trained and created by the algerian intelligence services with the collusion of french,us,and brittish intelligence as well!!!see...FRENCH ,US GOVT AND ALGERIAS ROLE IN  MANUFACTURING OF TERRORISM(AND AL QAEDA TERROR) IN NORTH AFRICA REGION Algerian ‘state terrorism’ and atrocities in northern Mali by Jeremy H. Keenan

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