Wednesday, January 16, 2013

ZIONAZI ISRAHELLI AMBASSADOR AT UN SECURITY COUNCIL DEBATE ON COUNTER-TERRORISM:WE MUST ATTACK SYRIA! Statement by Amb Prosor at UN Security Council Debate on Counter-terrorism MFA 15.1.2013 We face the frightening possibility that Hezbollah could soon get its hands on Assad's vast stockpiles of chemical weapons. This Council must act today, not tomorrow. We have a responsibility to prevent the world’s most dangerous weapons from falling into the hands of the world’s most dangerous actors.Yes, we must attack terrorist infrastructure, and go after those who support and finance terrorism. However, true counter-terrorism must also begin by disrupting the ecosystem of extremism in which terror thrives.Make no mistake. There is a direct connection between powder cocaine smuggled from Latin America and the gunpowder of Hezbollah weaponry in Lebanon.This Council cannot turn a blind eye to those states that sponsor, support, and arm terrorists. The international community must hold them accountable for the violence that they spread - and the lives that they have taken.

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