Friday, June 28, 2013

[ed note:ill personally translate one question and his answer...its long so i wont translate all due to length,so get out your translators if you want to read the rest...

Question: in the current situation what are the challenges for the working class and popular movements and leftwing organizations involved?
The challenges are many.First we must have conscience of the natural essence behind these dmeonstrations and all go into the street all together to politicize with all our hearts the young youth that dont have experience in this class struggle...Secondly,we must all march ,manifest ourselves at factories,workplaces,,construction sites,as stated by Geraldo Vandre.We must raise our demands to resolve these concret problems between classes,from apolitical and economic point of view.Thirdly,we need to explain to the public(masses),just who are the principal enemies of this nation.Its the banks.the multinational corporations,the neoliberal colonies of big agrisbusiness interests,and speculators!We need to assume this initiativeto install a debate within our society,to demand approval and reformation ina project to reduce the weekly working hours to 40 only.To demand,a priority of investment in the public sector in education,and agararian reform.To accomplish this,taxes must be cut and dislocate and relocate resources ,like for example the 200 billion dollars that go to a small minority of about 20 thousand super rich,renter,creditors of  an internal debt,wich we the public masses never incurred,.and use this kind of money towards productive investi\ment and social programs.This is what the class struggle puts forward for Dilma led govt:public resources to the burgeousy rentier class or to resolve the peoples problems?We need urgency at federal level,that prioritizes at next ellections ,at the very least institute ellection reforms to implement Public campaign financing exclusively(ed note:as opposed to corporate financing).We needa tributary reform,that goes back to charging ICMS( Tax on the Circulation of Goods and Services for Interstate and Intermunicipal Transportation and Communication is a state tax, ie, only the governments of the states of Brazil and the Federal District have the power to institute it (pursuant to art. 155, II, of the Constitution of 1988 ) on Primary Exports,and penalizes(taxes) the wealth of the richest classes,and lower taxes of poor who are paying the heavyest burdens and rates.We need and demand that the govt suspend the bids on our oil resources and stop concessions and privatization of our mining resources and other public areas.Nothing is of benefit to us citizens the royaltees of our oil wealth without education,if the royaltees on these represented only 8% of the oil concession while 92% are pocketted by foreign multimnational-transnational corporations that will end up with it after these bids.We need qualitative urbanstructural reform,with values and emphasis on zero tarifs and increases regarding public transportation.Its already been proven that it can be achieved at minimal costs and its not even hard to achieve public transportation free of charge to the masses to our capitals(major cities).We also need to control real estate speculation.Finally we need to have and convoke a national conference and aprove a project for the conference on National Media Communications,broadly representative,and demand democratization of these,in order to stop the Globo(biggest media network in Brasil,gusano central) media monopoly in country,so our youth and our popular organizations have ample accesss with wich to communicate ,create its own means of new communications,with public funding!I heard variouis discourses during the youth demonstrations,and one thing that definatly unified us with one single flag,was our shared vision by all:down with Globo's monopoly!To acomplish all these tasks it must resonate within society and we must pressure all politicians and govt ,it is essential the working class now mobilizes...
 [ed notes:the whole interview is great,i just cited a short brief summary myself because i feel what he states above encapsulates the overall message wich needs to be broadcast to world,and internally in Brasil thats what MST and all popular social movements are struggling for..though there are more issues that need to be dealt with as well...on that note,viva o MST!!! .more on MST .. BRASILS LANDLESS MOVEMENT(MOVIMENTO SEM TERRA) LATEST CHILDS BOOK HIGHLIGTHS STORIES OF TWO LITTLE PALESTINIAN CHILDREN UNDER ZIONIST OCCUPATION!

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