Eritrea Watch-... Government Media Strategy Need Reforms too
Now that the tempest in a teacup, the imaginarycoup d’état, that was perpetrated over the internet by crackpot “journalist” with little respect for facts or context, is over, we as Eritreans have to reflect, yet once again, over the fact that we are being held hostage by western propaganda machines that masquerade as news agencies.As Eritreans we have to recognize the fact that our media delivery system has for all practical intents and purposes failed. This fact was effectively once again demonstrably clear today. None of what are called “our” media outlet, or websites with sufficient reach, had anything to say on the events unfolding back home or the lies spread through the internet. All the narrative was set for us by the enemy propaganda machine.The western media journalist Martin Plaut who works for the BBC as director for Africa has beentweeting furiously all day about an imaginary Coup d’etat in Eritrea even claiming that theEritrean President is under arrest.Dan Connell, a man who has developed an insatiable craving to see the unseating of President Isaias Afwerki at any cost wrote an article today and could not hide his real intentions of stopping the mining industry in Eritrea. He could not even pretend to appear to care about Eritrea or Eritreans.Reports from AFP about the imagined coup has managed to link the story with the share pricesof the main mining company with clear intention to affect negatively the share price and frightenany potential investment on the booming industry of Eritrea.These same discredited sources of information have been claiming the President of Eritrea was dead of illness in order to divert attention from the fatal illness and eventual death Meles Zenawionly 5 months back in 2012.Not satisfied with the lie, deceit and destruction caused by their reports on the imagined death of Eritrea’s President few months back; they are now back with even more imagined coup d’etat of a President who was supposed to be dead by their own accounts.It is very clear this virtual coup d’etat is designed out of frustration by the detractors and destabilisers of Eritrean government who had recently started a major investment drive for its citizens in all aspects of the economic sectors.Eritrea had the highest rise of Economic Development in 2011 and this trend was continuing in the next few years fuelled by the heavy investment made in the country’s infrastructure over the last decade.
[ed notes:im waiting on thomas c. mountain to do a piece on this,he's a leading expert on Eritrea and the western machinations and conspiracies against it...
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