ZIONAZI SHLOMO AT INSS ADVOCATES ARMING REBELS IN SYRIA TO BRING ASSAD DOWN... Shlomo Brom advocates arming the Syrian rebels to bring Assad down
Some in Israel may feel that the current civil war in Syria serves Israel’s
interests because it keeps Syria from representing a serious military
threat. However, Syria stopped being a significant military threat to Israel
some time ago, whereas the ongoing civil war can only increase the risk of
military threats of a different kind, if Syria becomes a failed state, which
would impact negatively on regional stability. Thus, it is in Israel’s
interest that the civil war end as soon as possible and that a central,
moderate Islamic regime take control of the country. The question then is:
how does one break the military stalemate between the regime and the rebels
in favor of the moderate rebels, thereby creating an opportunity for a
decision in the military struggle or, alternately, promoting a political
resolution? While Israel cannot do this, it is important that decision
makers in Israel understand the options and deliberate them with allies in
the international community.In order of escalation, the options for breaking the stalemate are: liftingthe West’s embargo on supplying the rebels with arms, establishing no-fly
zones for the Syrian air force, and providing the rebels with aerial
support.In conclusion, the extension of the fighting in Syria does not serve Israel’s
interests. Lifting the embargo on supplying the moderate factions with
weapons would seem to be the only realistic option for breaking the military
stalemate, thereby helping bring an end to the crisis that is not yet in
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