Syrian Preacher: The Jews have 2 goals–Divide the nations of the world, rip them apart and then destroy their morals
A Syrian preacher recently accused the Jews of being responsible for the ongoing civil strife throughout the Middle East.Israel National NewsA Syrian preacher recently accused Jews of being responsible
for all the Muslims’ woes, including the ongoing civil strife throughout
the Middle East.The remarks were made in a sermon at the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus, which aired on Syrian TV on June 28.They were translated and posted by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI). “Let us take a look at the history of mankind, which has
recorded the true nature of the Jews, the slayers of prophets and
violators of agreements. It shows how they have tried, since pre-Islamic
times, to fragment, divide, and rip apart the Arab and Islamic nation,”
claimed the preacher.“In an effort to gain influence in the world and to realize
their desires, the Jews have set two basic goals. Listen, oh Muslims,
and beware of what is happening in Syria – in that land with steadfast
people and leadership.“They have two basic goals. The first is to divide the
nations of the world, to pit them one against the other, and to spark
war and civil strife among them. The second goal is to rip apart the
nations of the world, destroying their notions, moral values, and codes,
and making them stray from the path of Allah,” he said.
“That is what they did throughout the ages all over the
world. Oh nation of Islam, the Jews have been tearing this nation apart
for many years.“What is happening today in this steadfast fortress [Syria],
and in the Middle East in general, is nothing new. It was premeditated.“We are a nation in slumber, a nation that does not study the
books of history, and has not studied what its enemies are plotting and
devising against it. They kindled the spark of civil strife in
Palestine and in Afghanistan, and then in Iraq, then in Egypt, and after
that, in Syria,” stated the preacher.
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