Wednesday, June 19, 2013

CFR's Democracy Lab... Democratic transitions – a user’s guide (for subversion)
The transition from authoritarianism to democracy is notoriously difficult, according to Council on Foreign Relations analysts Isobel Coleman and Terra Lawson-Remer. Countries like Egypt, Tunisia and Myanmar should draw on the democratization experience of Poland, Ukraine, Thailand, Indonesia, Brazil, Mexico, Nigeria, and South Africa, as outlined in their new book Pathways to Freedom: Political and Economic Lessons from Democratic Transitions.
1. Don’t miss the opportunity presented by a good economic crisis.
Studies show that it’s not economic growth but rather economic crisis that triggers regime change. Over the past three decades, many democratic transitions have been precipitated by serious economic shocks that ruptured the authoritarian bargain. [ed notes: fastest way to acomplish regime change...impose neoliberal free market free enterprise policies ,and loans by western lending institutions wich exacerbate crisis them wait for masses to rebel and topple the gov,hence install a new regime and reapply the same scheme again....
2. On elections, “Fake it till you make it.”
A clear lesson from our case studies is that elections — even sham elections — lead to greater success in the transition to substantive democracy. ….Other quantitative evidence confirms that authoritarian regimes with partial political openness are the likeliest to become more democratic, especially if they provide for multiparty electoral competition. [ed notes:that translates into advocating any ellections,rigged or sham ones wich allow west to then shower different parties with money in order to gain influence on their behalf then finally open up those closed economies to the neoliberal onslaugth...they dont even care to mask their disdain for sham ellections,most likely because thats what best suits their aims and goals in endgame...
3. Be wary of armed rebellions, but back nonviolent, mass mobilizations.
Nonviolent, mass mobilizations have a stronger track record of laying the groundwork for democratic change. Sustained peaceful protests lead to a more engaged citizenry and a better-organized civil society — critical for staying the course during the inevitable challenges of democratic transitions. Consider Poland’s experience with its trade union federation Solidarity and South Africa’s broad-based grassroots liberation movement. [ed notes:back color revolutions or mass mobilizations aided thru western funding ...
4. Encourage Inclusive Growth.
The promise of political freedom raises peoples’ expectations for economic and social opportunities. The success of emerging democracies depends fundamentally on whether democratization can also materially improve people’s lives. When citizens do see improvements in social inclusion and living standards, they reward the politicians who provide them, creating a powerful feedback loop that helps consolidate democracy. Cash transfers can also play a vital role in creating shared opportunity by enabling struggling families to invest in health and education-simultaneously cushioning the hardships of the present and laying the foundation for future economic prosperity by developing human capital.
[ed note:i can assure you they arent speaking of Irans model of offering cash subsidies to poorest,in fact they are likely advocating the Colombian model,where the fascist candidates and ruling parties,hand out cash to poorest then threaten to stop these should they vote for any progressive opposition...
5. Double Down on Rule of Law.
Should I believe in this new government, or not? That is the question confronting someone in a new and often shaky democracy. To answer that question, a new democracy needs to show its citizens that it can protect their core rights and establish fair economic and political rules. If people believe that legal systems and public institutions work for them, rather than against them, it gives them a stake in the system and a greater willingness to tolerate the inevitable turbulence of a transition [[[[The establishment of transparent auctions to privatize public assets is critical]]]]]]. So too is the reform of laws constraining civil society organizations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). (This is why Egypt’s new, even more repressive NGO law, is so worrying.) [ed notes: goal?impose western modelled institutions and legal systems with people educated in west who have been programmed to acomplish the desired outcomes...the aim?privatize public assets!!!!
6. Spread Out the Power.
Spreading power out to local regions has strong benefits. It helps dilute the dangerous concentration of central authority often inherited from authoritarian regimes; it also increases accountability by bringing administration closer to the people. [ed notes: makes it easier to foment outside agitation,similarly to what occurs in very few states within Venezuela,where rightwing local govs plot ,conspire internally against federal(central) gov,and creates havoc many times with external outside support....
7. Lean on Good Neighbors and Compensate for Bad Ones.
Good neighbors can help fragile democracies succeed through tough times by providing critical economic and technical assistance and exerting constructive political pressure. Conversely, bad neighbors can undermine transitions by fostering power-grabbing and corruption — or simply by failing to provide support for democratic consolidation. Neighborhoods are not merely geographic, although shared borders are an important element of interdependence between countries.
This extract is taken from a longer article for Foreign Policy’s Democracy lab. RTWT

isobel coleman
agitating in Tunisia
Isobel Coleman is a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and director of CFR’s Civil Society, Markets, and Democracy program. [ed notes:shes also a zionist and contributor to wineps fikra forum!!!heres anothe piece by the wench and what she advocates for... Women’s quotas in Arab states: filled but empty seats? quotas spread across the region, the U.S. should help women make the most of them. It should invest in training women to be more effective politicians – as it has done to some extent through both the International Republican Institute (IRI) and the National Democratic Institute (NDI), but also through local NGOs. The above extracts are taken from a longer analysis at the Fikra Forum. -

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