Sunday, April 17, 2011

US backs Israel to continue war crimes-Professor Rodney Shakespeare, Press TV discussed what aims Washington peruses in increasing its military aid to Tel Aviv 

PressTV: At what price must the American people pay for Israel. When many people don't have jobs, losing their homes and for those that are working, losing their benefits and taking pay cuts, why should the American people be obligated to give more than 8.3 million dollars a day to Israel? Shakespeare Well, the United States wishes Israel to continue its war crimes. In the last week, Israel and the United States have been plotting together to try and hide the fact that Israel sprays phosphorous all over civilian populations and that's what the three billion is to maintain war crimes. And the American foreign policy is ultimately about maintaining the commission of war crimes by Israel. 

PressTV: Repressive tactics are used against Palestinians in general and Gaza in particular. People have died at checkpoints trying to seek medical help and Gazans are basically imprisoned and impoverished. Does the United States want to reward Israel for these tactics?Shakespeare Well, it's a little bit worse than that. You see essentially, Zionist Israel controls the American foreign policy. Those countries cannot see that the world is changing. They think that they can support these corrupt totalitarian regimes that they can continue to do this for ever, while they cannot. There is an Islamic, democratic awakening; there is a demographic awakening of huge numbers of young people. So, American strategy for long term is completely out of touch with reality. It is like its economy.

Its international policy and its economy are both Titanics which are governed by captains and crew who think they understand everything but cannot see that they are going straight into the icebergs ahead.Shakespeare The British people are certainly aware of this. Unfortunately, governmental structures are also controlled by Zionism. For example, two thirds of the Conservative Party are all handing off with various Israeli societies. And that's for sure is much higher than any other country. Though I'm afraid it's the political structure that is supporting Bahrain. The present foreign secretary is supporting the killing in Bahrain.Shakespeare If the ultimate thing here is about democracy, the United States and Israel are linked in with the totalitarian fascist regimes which is totally intolerant and enforces aims with extreme violence and of course has the escape goat which they are trying to put forward must be Iran when Iran has nothing to do with it. 

So it's up to people to push forward for democracy. I'm very pleased to see the way that the women of the Middle East are coming forward in more splendidly brave way. So it's all about democracy and we must expose the extreme hypocrisy of the United States. Of course there is no point in exposing hypocrisy of Israel that is beyond correction. They are so mentally violent that there is no hope in changing them whatsoever. But there is some hope in changing the United States and particularly having effect on the half of the American State Department, half of whom are very sensible in humane people. The American foreign policy is actually controlled by the neocons, who are led by that spiteful vicious woman, Hilary Clinton

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