Friday, November 18, 2011

All the Knives are out for Syria- Pt 2 
In yesterday's post I covered a number of different agendas coming into play with the Syrian situation-
Another shot at a UN resolution. A move by the Arab League, curiously timed to coincide with this attempt with the UN human rights committee.The "Free Syrian" Army amassing at both the border of Turkey and Lebanon.I guess it's map time! The "Free Syrian" Army is supposed to be 15,000 strong.This figure was given by a man located in Lebanon. So I am not sure if this applies to the numbers emanating out of Lebanon and Turkey combined, or just Lebanon.Briefly the narrative of the "Free Syrian" Army and the looming civil wars is an interesting one.It creates the perception that the army is composed of disillusioned Syrian soldiers.Who are fighting for freedom from an oppressive tyrant.It's the perfect pitch to a western audience, who like to believe their government and militaries are the "do gooders" of the world. This belief is pure delusion.It goes further to create the perception, the one that is being reinforced via the corporate media, that this is a "civil war". This is Syrians, fighting Syrians. This is the narrative from Libya regurgitated, with some slight differences.The civil war narrative had to be created and promoted when the UN Security council resolutions, that were tried for twice, failed to be passed.So a bit of a different tactic then was used with Libya had to be created.Hence the illusion of a civil war. But, this is no civil war.It is outside fighters, as it has been from the beginning.Only now the troop numbers are larger.If I had to take a stab at guessing. I would say lots of Turkish troops are involved. Lebanese militants. Likely some individuals from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordanians probably some Israeli's.Muslim Brotherhood fighters. And mercenaries, private guns for hire.Oh and one more, I mentioned them the other day Al Qaeda.Al Qaeda had been pouring into the area from Iraq to "fight for freedom".When one considers all the players there is no realistic way this can be called a "civil war"It is an outside invasion. Plain and simple.The narrative of the "Free Syrian" Army is useful for this-  Free Syrian Army Seeks No-Fly Zone, Vows to Reach Palace
Do they get their talking points from the Council on Foreign Relations or what?It was the Council on Foreign Relations, going on recall here, that first put that proposition forward. Coincidence or not? I would say NOT.
The group wants a buffer zone in the north, on the Turkish- Syrian border, and another in the south near the border with Jordan to help them bring the fight closer to Assad, Riad al As’ad, a former Syrian colonel who leads the Free Syrian Army, said in a phone interview from Turkey today. ( Interesting, Jordan? Clearly they are involved)Getting back to yesterday's post. We touched on the players, Britain and France.
US war games with Bahrain. Muslim Brotherhood involvement and Canada telling it's citizens to get out of Syria.Rehash completed, there was some additional stuff I didn't get around to yesterday-
Conveniently the IAEA is saying there is No progress in Syria nuclear talks

Syria failed to provided UN nuclear watchdog with access to Deir al-Zor site - which Israel bombed in 2007 - or other locations which may have been functionally related, Amano says.

This is a complete dead end. I have covered this previously.
The brouhaha in the news at this time is just more pot stirring to demonize Syria.
The alleged "nuclear" facility was/is fabric factory.
That secret nuclear facility in Syria? It’s a textile factory, researchers say in new reportBut after further probing by private researchers, Syria’s mystery plant is looking far less mysterious. A new report concludes that the facility and its thousands of fast-spinning machines were intended to make not uranium, but cloth — a very ordinary cotton-polyester.
“It is, and always has been, a textile factory,” said one of the researchers, Jeffrey Lewis, a nuclear policy expert at the Center for Nonproliferation Studies and publisher of the blog Arms Control Wonk.
DEAD END. More spin.
Turkey eyes new trade routes to bypass Syria violence
If Turkey is just now in search of new trade routes, I would think what has been going on there all these past months has not been very disturbing of trade.It would seem that Turkey is prepared/preparing for a big upsurge in destabilization, hence the search for new routes to by pass Syria.

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